Chapter 11

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from that day, i started to crave A LOT of foods such as chips, mangoes, ice cream, tuna (i know it's weird)
i would also get choosy on my breakfast and meals, HAHA

but gladly Taehyung's by my side to give me whatever I want, im so lucky to have him 💜

now, im 5 months pregnant.


it was around 10pm, nighttime,
then, i started to crave some weird foods, LIKE IT'S ODD FOODS.

we were on the bed, then, i told Taehyung that:

me: i want mangoes!! *pulling his arm like a baby*
Taehyung: but you just ate a lollipop
*he says sarcastically*
me: pweaseeee!!! *pouts*
Taehyung: fine imma cut you some downstairs
me: aww thank youuu!!! *hugs him on the arm*

he smiled at me then went downstairs, i know, i crave odd foods.

i watched the movie while i waited for him,

until, his phone buzzed, i checked it on the other side of the bed, it was all about work.

i took it and opened the message, this is what the messages said

----------- back in 2013 -----------

???: are you done killing Yn's family?
Taehyung: yes.
???: good, your family's free
Taehyung: thank you, never talk to me ever again!

??? seen.

now: 2020

???: Taehyung we need to talk


i widen my eyes on what i saw, did he just kill my parents 7 years ago?!

i can't believe what I saw on both of my eyes.

then, the door opened, it revealed Taehyung holding a plate of sliced mangoes.

"jagi here's your mangoes-"

he stopped when he saw me holding his phone

"Taehyung, what is this?!!!"

i said in a loud and soft voice he looked nervous, it was rarely that i would call him by his name like that, he placed the plate of mangos on a small table, i gave him his phone, he took it while getting more worried, i know that he knew i saw that conversation. he widen his eyes

me: h-how d-dare you?!?!??!

i said while tears escaped from both of my eyes.

Taehyung: jagi let me explain-

i cried my eyes out, then, i screamed and said

Me: get out
Taehyung: b-but-

he looked down and exit the door, i didn't knew what to do anymore, i broke in tears, it was so hard for me to believe that he killed my parents, i don't know what to do anymore, i should've never trusted a person like him in the first place!!!

i texted my friend, Lee

me: lee, can i stay in your house for the meantime?
lee: sure, anytime
me: thank you so much
lee: see you
me: see you too.

i turned my phone off and took my luggage and packed most of my clothes and stuff, well, i wanted the mango but, fuck it

tears went onto my cheeks while i made a line on my lips, i just didn't wanted to be with a mafia and the person who killed my parents!!

i sat down after i was done packing and stared at taehyung and I's picture.


is all my lips could say.

i dressed up to a oversized purple sweater with a long white skirt, i didn't care about my style.

i went out of our room and slammed it, i dragged my luggage downstairs
i saw taehyung on the living room holding his hands while looking down, he heard the noise so he saw me, and my luggage too. he already knew what it meant.

taehyung: j-jagi please don't l-leave me

i felt his tears on my neck as he hugged me tighter and tighter, i cried as well, but, i don't give a fuck anymore.

me: please, i wanna go! *i said stuttering*
Taehyung: n-no p-please

he hugged me the tightest, i held his hands and forced it to let go of me, but he was too strong, while i was just a pregnant woman.

me: please, let go of me, and let's never see each other ever again.

i said while more tears falls on my cheeks, i pushed his hands off, he finally let go of me, his eyes were totally red, so as his nose, i dont care anymore.

i pulled my luggage and went out of the mansion.

i wanna let go of him, and i promised myself that we'll never see each other ever again.

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