Chapter 23

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After the hug, he kissed me, i kissed him back, then he carried me bridal style going to my room, he used his elbow to open my door, then he gently laid me on the bed, i watched him as he takes off the hoodie exposing his toned abs, "like what you see?" He asks, i blushed, lmao
Then, he hovered on top of me and got in between my legs, "i like your nightgown" he said as he smirks,
"Junhae picked this for me" i said, "she has a good taste in fashion, which makes his dad have a bulge" i laughed at him and smacked him on his butt, "hey what was that for?"
I laughed at him as he starts to take off the shorts and tossing it across the room, he went in between my legs again and started to take my nightgown off, "are we really doing this again?" I asked hesistating
"Why? Aren't you comfortable?" He asked in a worried tone
"I never made love ever since we break up-"
"Don't worry, ill go gentle"
He reassured me then kissed my hand, then i hugged it. He continued taking my nightgown off, I didn't wore a bra so my chest was already exposed, I tried to cover them but taehyung removed my hands and said
"I already seen them before so you don't need to cover em" he smiled at me, I didn't realized that he was only in his boxers, his thick thighs were touching onto mine, then we started kissing again, this time, he was sliding my panties off while I was removing his boxers, I looked at it, it was huge and bigger than before, "are you sure it will fit?" I asked nervously, "yes it will babe" he replied back with a smirk, then, without any warning he started to put 2 fingers into my core, I felt pain, he noticed me, and said "you're so tight in my fingers" I pouted at him as he covers us with the duvets, then he continued fingering me, until I had to cum, and yes, I came on his fingers, he licked it, and said "you taste delicious baby" he smirked at me, then he positioned himself into my core and gently entered the tip, it seriously hurt like hell!
Me: t-taehyung take it off it hur- AHHHHHH
Taehyung: you're so damn tight even though you aren't a Virgin anymore
He said still thrusting into me,
Me: im never used to these things
Taehyung: then I'll make you get used to it. He smirks at me, then minutes later, all I felt was pleasure, I started to moan loudly so as Taehyung, I even think that the neighbors heard it!

Me: taehyung-ah aren't we too loud aahhh
Taehyung: nah UgHhhhH

Skin slaps were all that was heard in our room, so as our moans and Taehyung's groans,

Taehyung: baby i-im Cumming
Me: s-same
Taehyung: cum for me baby

Then both of us released our cum, then he plopped beside me and hugged me "I missed this" he said with a smile, "I did, too" I replied then turned off the lights then we dozed to sleep.

The kids will be happy that their father is taehyung

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