Chapter 13

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It's been 6 months since Taehyung and I broke up, we never interacted with each other, I blocked his number in my phone, and lee is with me, he gave me a lot more love and attention than Taehyung.

The boys know about our situation, they tried to make us close and friends again, but it never worked.

But I don't understand why I keep on thinking about him these past months.


So It's morning today, as usual I will be doing some wife chores today, lee doesn't eat breakfast so I make sure that I pack him a lot of food for him to eat in the office.

So I prepared food for him, then after I was done, I sat down on the dining table, i took my phone and scrolled on twitter, until I received a message from Jin.

Jin: hi Y/n! How are you?
Y/n: im fine, how about you and the rest of the boys?
Jin: we are doing well, we just got a lot of mafia work in these past months.
Y/n: oh, take care oppa
Jin: you should more! Now that you're pregnant
Y/n: yes oppa 😊
Jin: oh, I got to go, chat you later
Y/n: okay bye.

Then I heard footsteps going downstairs, it must be lee

Lee: good morning baby, I'm in a hurry right now, I'll be seeing you later night, *kisses me*
I kissed him back, then he kneeled on my stomach and kissed it,
Lee: see you later baby
I chuckled then he left with a wave then went out of the house.

Then I started to do some chores,
I was sweeping the floor in the kitchen until I saw the packed food on the kitchen counter, oh no, he left his food.

I dialed his number on my phone but no answer, I started to get worried for him cuz he doesn't even eat breakfast.
So I had one choice, Is to go in his office.

I dressed up, I took my phone, my wallet, and his packed food, I locked the door and went out of the house and called a taxi.

Then I arrived in his office, I went to the elevator and pressed the floor that he works in. It started to ascend.
When I got to the floor, I went to his office and knocked on the door.

But before I even did, I heard moans and groans in there, I got so suspicious, the door was quite open so I looked inside, there I saw him with another woman making out, the girl was on his desk while he was in the middle of her legs.

I cried my eyes out, I dropped the food, then he heard it, the woman heard it too.

And there he saw me, crying on the door.

Why is everyone so unloyal to me?

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