Chapter 28

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Im sorry if i gotta add EXO as a villian group in this story, cuz they fit in this story, lmaoo

I-it's my ex, Chanyeol.

Chanyeol: aren't you happy that we're back together?
Me: stop with that! Our relationship is over! I have kids and im just married!
Chanyeol: i can take care of your kids anyways! Now let's run away and forget everything!
Me: please, just stop the car and let me go! Find someone better than me!
Chanyeol: im sorry but i can't do that again.
I thought of distracting Chanyeol, but we'll both die and i can't let that happen. My kids still needs me.
Me: Chanyeol please....
Chanyeol: i said NO
i started to tear up more and more,
Then, he sprayed something on the car airconw hile he wears his mask, and it made me hallucinate and pass out.

Taehyung's POV

N-no she can't be gone again! "Hyungs do you have news about her?!" I said almost crying. "I found her location Taehyung, she's in a very far place, almost on the other side of the country" suga hyung said
"I think that our enemy kidnapped her......" RM hyung said
"It can be....." j hope hyung also said while he stares at the laptop

Taehyung: then what are we waiting for?! Let's go!
Jimin: who will take care of the triplets?
RV (his actual name is ryan): ill take care of them, now go while i stay with my little ones
Taehyung: thank you Ryan, now
The vans were already prepared, i took a lot of guns on my waists, also my hyungs. We immediately drove to the destination.

I can't lose Y/n again.

Back to your pov

Then, i woke up again, my head damn hurts! I tried to message it but i was handcuffed and tied on a chair.

???: looks like you're awake

And yes, i know that person, it was Chanyeol.

Me: p-please let me go......
Chanyeol: no baby, go eat your food
Ill untie you.

I could still see the lust on his eyes, but i dont love him anymore.

He untied me, yes im free!
But i need a plan to escape, if it takes everything then ill do it!
He stood up, but just as i had the chance to kick him on the balls, I did, he kneeled in pain! So I quickly ran to the door, but soon as I did, he pulled my hair very very tight, not even giving mercy on me "you thought that you can escape from me huh?" He whisphered on my ear, as he pulls it harder and harder, I held my hair in pain as he drags me onto a bed, he quickly hovered on top of me and starts to take all over my body

Chanyeol: I fucking want to rip that stupid wedding dress off you!
Then he did, parts of it were torn out all over the floor.

Taehyung save me.

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