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"Alpha, the omega needs you."

The alpha rushed towards his mate's room, bursting through the door as he eyes the sickly omega in bed.

The omega smiles weakly at him before letting out a series of strained coughs. The alpha rushes towards his love, eyeing her with concern and sorrow at her condition.

The omega smiled at the sight of her mate, intertwining her weak hand with his. Her once beautiful, tan skin now a sickly shade of white. Her once emerald green eyes which were full of life now almost lifeless. Both didn't want to admit it but the omega had not much time left.


The omega looked up at her alpha, tears springing from her eyes.

" and i both know. I have not much time left." The omega smiled, more tears decorating her gorgeous face.

"No, don't say that. You're going to make it. You have to." The alpha said, holding her hands tighter.

The omega shook her head, closing her eyes.

"Love, you can't lie to yourself. I won't make it through the night, and i have accepted that. You should too, dear." The omega said weakly, the life slipping out of her frail body.

"But...what am I supposed to do without you. I can't live without you." The alpha wailed, tears streaming down his own face.

The omega looked up at her alpha, using her other hand to gently caress his face.

"You will. I know you will. You'll find someone else. Someone that will give you strength. Someone that will love you dearly. Someone that will bring back the light in your eyes." The omega smiled weakly, lucid crystals decorating her face.

"No! I love you and you alone. No one else!" The alpha roared.

"Love...don't say that. Find someone else. Someone that makes you happy. Then, i'll be happy." The omega said, caressing the alpha's face tenderly. "I won't be here much longer...find someone, love. Move on...and remember, I love you, dear. Thank you for making me the happiest woman I could have ever been..."

And with that, the omega let out her last breath.

The alpha stared at the now lifeless body of his omega, her face still beautiful even in death.

Tears filled the alpha's eyes as he howled in pain, the feeling of his lover slipping away. He looked down at his mate, his vision still blurry with tears.

"I'm sorry, love, I can't move on. I won't fall for anyone. I can't fall for anyone. You're the only one i'll ever love." The alpha softly said.

And with that, the alpha shut his heart out.

A/n : Ah, first chapter? Done. I like the flow of the story for now. I hope I don't lose motivation for this halfway.

Anyways, this book was inspired by one of my all time favourite author, idol, inspiration, the best Taekook writer if I do say so myself, adDICKTAEd . She's amazing and writes damn good books. Like, she's amazing, increadible, inspirational, nice, wonderful, lovely- you get what i mean.

She inspired me to write this book after reading her book, Mateless Alpha. Which, in fact, had me in literal TEARS by the end of it. Yes, her books are THAT good. So go check out my idol, you won't regret it.

Also, thanks for being my wonderful inspiration, I love you so much, you're amazing and i hope you don't find me annoying 💜💚

Sorry for rambling. I got kinda carried away 😅

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this book 💜

I purple you 💜💕

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