chapter thirty-three

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"What do you mean by under attack?" Jungkook asked, his gaze darkening as he held Taehyung tighter towards his body.

Baekhyun panted tiredlessly, indicating that he had been running around to find the alpha.

"The vampire society just sent out an army. They managed to infiltrate the pack borders, injuring the pack's guards in the process." Baekhyun explained, making Jungkook let out a loud growl as he stood up, gently placing the brunette on the soft bed.

"Baekhyun, please tell Namjoon to gather all the trained werewolves for this." Jungkook ordered, hearing a loud cry in the distance.

Baekhyun nodded, frantically rushing out the door.

Jungkook turned towards the brunette sitting on bed, taking in the confused and terrified expression of the smaller male.

"Taehyung, love, i want you to listen to me closely." Jungkook started, tilting the other's head up to face his, seeing the fear pooling in the other's deep eyes.

"Stay in this room. If you hear anything, run and hide. I have to go out and handle this attack." Jungkook said.

Taehyung's bottom lip trembled, gripping the other's bicep before the ravenette could leave.

"Koo, i want to join you." The brunette said, scared but determined.

The ravenette shook his head.

"No, Tae. I don't want you hurt."

Taehyung frowned. "What about you? I don't want you hurt!" Taehyung yelled, tears collecting in his eyes.

Jungkook's eyes softened, lightly tilting the other's head so that they locked eyes with each other.

"Just as i said, Taehyung. I don't care whether i get hurt or killed. If it's to keep you and the people i love safe, i'd gladly do so." Jungkook whispered.

Taehyung couldn't help but let the hot tears flow down his ethereal face, plunging himself onto the ravenette as he hugged the other tightly.

"J-just promise me you'll c-come back." Taehyung stuttered, his voice muffled slightly since his head was buried in the other's built chest.

Jungkook just smiled softly, embracing the other tightly before landing a soft kiss onto the other's plump lips, in which Taehyung gladly responded.

A loud cry was what made them pull away. The ravenette quickly rushed to the door, but not before telling Taehyung to hide if needed.

"Jungkook." Taehyung called out before the raven ran out the door. "I love you."

The ravenette let out a small smile. "I love you too, Taebaby."

With that, the ravenette disappeared out the door.


Taehyung felt the fear increasing as he heard yells and screams being heard outside of his room door.

No one had entered his room just yet, but that didn't help the anxiety pooling in his stomach as he crouched in a corner of his room.

Needless to say, Taehyung felt like a coward.

Other's were literally fighting for their lives outside of the pack house yet he was cowering weakly in his room.

He felt guilty. He couldn't just stay here while other's were being killed and injured outside.

A surge of courage rushed in him, making him stand confidently as he slowly and carefully made his way towards his bedroom door.

His mate's words rung in his head, but he pushed it to the back of his head.

He couldn't stay here and let other's die trying to save their pack from the vampires.

With that in mind, Taehyung slowly opened his bedroom door, peeking out and seeing that the coast was clear.

Taehyung rushed down the hallway, heading to the pack house's entrance as he opened the door.

His eyes widened at what he witnessed, feeling his blood run cold as he surveyed the damage.

Houses and trees had been burned as cries and screams of pain filled the night air.

Taehyung saw a vampire advance towards a mum and her cub, the vampire licking his lips hungrily.

"Get away from us, you monster!" The mother yelled, shielding her son from the deadly vampire.

The vampire let out an evil laugh, eyes going blood red from blood lust. The vampire lunged at the female, earning a shrill cry from the helpless woman.

Before the vampire could plunge his teeth into the woman's smooth flesh, he was flung harshly off.

The vampire groaned as he got off of the dusty ground, seeing Taehyung standing protectively in front of the two werewolves.

Taehyung turned towards the two, seeing the mother wrap her arms tightly around her little pup.

"Go and hide, i'll take care of him." Taehyung said, watching as the female stood up with her son in her arms.

"Thank you." The female said softly before running off with her pup in her arms.

Taehyung turned to face the other vampire, who was already on his feet.

The other looked towards Taehyung, a wide smirk adorning his lips.

"Oh, look who it is." He laughed, eyes flashing a deep red. "If it isn't the infamous pathetic vampire."

Taehyung growled, eyes glowing a beautiful shade of blood wine as he glared at the other male.

"Fancy seeing you here, Taehyung." The other said, grinning deviously at the brunette.

"Why are you here, Jihyun?" Taehyung asked as the other laughed maniacally.

"What kind of question is that? We're here to claim werewolf territory." Jihyun laughed.

Taehyung glared. "You can't do that."

Jihyun smirked. "Oh? Watch us, Taehyung. Werewolves are nothing compared to what vampires could do."

Taehyung let a low growl escape his lips, plunging himself towards the other male.

Scratches and blows were delivered, the two males earning bruises and scratch marks on their skin. They continued delivering punches and kicks until both of them tumbled onto the floor, Taehyung on top of the other.

Without wasting another second, Taehyung gave a nasty blow on Jihyun's face, knocking him out cold.

He looked around, seeing werewolves and vampires alike running around and killing one another, in hopes that their side would win.

It was a truly gruesome sight, bloodshed and tears were scattered around the entire area as his eyes moved from one scene to another.

But the thing that truly terrified him and sent his blood running cold was the horrible sight just across the field.



Hi, hi. Yes, i updated.

Holidays are starting soon, which means that i would have more time to update my stories.

Sadly, Broken is going to come to an end soon. I'll try editing the chapters in hopes of improving it a bit more, don't worry.

Anyways, i hope you all are healthy and doing well.

I love you 💜

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