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Taehyung rolled his eyes playfully and smiled as he ran around the house, trying to get a hold of the demonic creation running around the house and creating havoc.

"Yeonjun, baby, stop running!" Taehyung called out after his 5 year old son, seeing the little boy's lips contort in a cheeky grin as he ran faster.

"Papa can't catch me!" He called out, sticking his tongue out playfully as he crawled under the table, trying to escape his father's wrath.

"Oh no you don't." Taehyung huffed, making his way to the other side of the table to catch his little son.

Yeonjun squealed, barely dodging his father as he wriggled out of his grasps, running around the kitchen before making his way quickly to the living room.

Taehyung panted, tired from chasing the adorable demon. He was not made for this.

Yeonjun's tiny legs carried him quickly to the living room, smiling victoriously as he saw his father walking slowly towards him.

"Yeonjunnie, please don't do this to papa." Taehyung whined, not even trying to catch him anymore since he was obviously tired.

Yeonjun's face suddenly changed into a frown as he took in Taehyung's tired state.

His eyes widened as he ran up to his father, attacking one of his legs in a tight hug.

Taehyung raised an eyebrow at Yeonjun's sudden antics, bending down so he was face to face with the adorable boy.

"What's with the sudden hug, Yeonnie?" Taehyung asked, quirking an eyebrow at the obvious cute pout on his son's lips.

"I made p-papa tired." Yeonjun replied, voice wavering as he looked as if he was about to cry. "I'm sorry p-papa. Yeonnie didn't mean to."

Taehyung's eyes widened at that, pulling the little muffin in a hug.

"Aw, baby. Don't feel sorry. You were just trying to play, and papa got tired. It's not your fault, muffin." Taehyung said, pulling Yeonjun out of the hug to see him.

"R-really?" Yeonjun asked, rubbing his eyes.

Taehyung smiled lovingly at him, cooing at how adorable he was acting.

"Yes, baby. It's not your fault, now don't cry, love." Taehyung whispered fondly, wiping away the stray tears that managed to slip down his cheeks.

"Now how about i give you some cookies so that you won't cry, hm?" Taehyung asked, seeing how Yeonjun's pout turned into a bright smile as he jumped up and down happily.

"Yes, yes. Yeonnie loves cookies!" Yeonjun squealed, grabbing his father's big hand as he pulled the chuckling male to the kitchen.

The jar of cookies stood up in one of the higher cabinets, making the young boy frown cutely as he made grabby hands at the delectable treats.

Taehyung giggled at the little boy's cute actions, kissing the young boy's forehead to get rid of the frown.

"I'll get the jar for you, okay muffin?"

Yeonjun nodded eagerly, watching as his father made his way to grab the treats.

Taehyung reached up, going on his tippy-toes to get the jar, but to no avail. He huffed, but he wasn't going to give up.

If his son wants the cookies then he sure as hell would get the cookies. No matter what.

Taehyung leaned onto the counter, bringing his body up slightly, his fingertip lightly grazing the glass jar.

Taehyung internally cursed himself for being so small, but tried again nonetheless.

That was until he felt strong hands grasps his waist, lifting him off the floor as he quickly grabbed the jar, falling back onto a strong, sculpted chest.

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