chapter twenty-one

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A loud, angry growl erupted from Yoongi, sending shivers down Jimin's spine.

"They did what now?" Yoongi asked darkly, his blood boiling from pure rage.

"T-they..." Jimin whimpered, fresh tears making it's way to his eyes.

Yoongi didn't need Jimin to explain it any further. He had gotten the hint. A loud, blood-curdling growl erupted from his mouth, sending Jimin jolting towards the bed as he watched Yoongi's eyes turn from it's normal, hazel hue to a dark, jet black.

He whimpered in fear as Yoongi advanced towards him, and unreadable emotion void in his eyes.

"Y-yoongi?" He whispered, a surprised yelp escaping his mouth as Yoongi picked him up and nuzzled his nose on the crook of Jimin's neck.

"Y-yoongi?" Jimin repeated softly, feeling Yoongi sniff him. "Are you okay?"

Another murderous growl escapes Yoongi's lips, the latter immediately shutting up as Yoongi strides for the door, opening it easily despite Jimin in his arms.

Jimin wraps his arms tightly around Yoongi's neck as they advance down the hallway and towards a door.

Surprisingly, Yoongi knocks on the door instead of just breaking it down.

A quiet murmur resonates from behind the door as it slowly swings open, revealing a certain ravenette.

"Yoongi? Jimin? What are you-" Jungkook starts but gets cut of by the mint green male.

"I need to talk to you, Jungkook. Apparently, there's a bunch of pervertic assholes in your pack." Yoongi says, voice serious as his jaws clenched.

Jungkook narrows his eyes as he opens the door to his office even wider, allowing Yoongi to enter, Jimin still in his arms.

"Jimin? Oh, chimmy!" A voice yells happily, Jimin smiling as he sees Taehyung on the office sofa.

"Tae!" Jimin replies, brows furrowing as he sees tears spring to his best friend's eyes.

"Y-yoongi. Can you please let me go to Tae?" Jimin asks quietly, immediately getting a small nod from the other.

Yoongi puts Jimin on the ground, the pink male quickly scurrying to his tear-stricken friend.

"Tae, why are you crying? Don't cry. I'm fine now." Jimin whispers, embracing the other in his arms as Taehyung continues to tremble uncontrollably.

"It's m-my fault." Taehyung stutters, more tears falling from his eyes.

Jimin frowns. "No it's not, Tae. Besides, you broke me from that dreaded emotional curse."

"B-but, if i didn't accidentally jump off that cliff, you wouldn't have come here in search of me. Then you'd not been that way." Taehyung whispers.

"Yes, but you were my best friend. Of course i'd come here and save your ass. Besides, if I didn't come here, I wouldn't have met Yoongi." Jimin says, whispering the other part almost inaudibly.

"What?" Taehyung asks, slowly wiping his tears from his face.

"Nothing." Jimin quickly answers, but catches the small smile that falls upon Yoongi's face.

"Talking about you coming here and that emotional curse, we need to talk, Jungkook." Yoongi says sternly.

Jungkook nods. "What was that all about? Pervertic assholes?"

Yoongi's gaze darkens. "Yeah. Apparently, when Jimin was here while we were finding the pristine tree, some dickheads from your pack decides it's fine to come into Jimin's room and trick the poor thing. And they think it's fine to fucking rape him." Yoongi growls murderously, his eyes fading to black.

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