The attack of the pedo!? (Part 2)

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This chapter is dedicated to: Simthewolf and QueenEliza_1103

Sorry guys, I accidentally clicked on publish. I'm pretty sure some people got their hopes up, I'm terribly sorry.

Later on...

"Guys, I have a bad feeling... I trust you guys can do this mission so I've got to go." I say with all seriousness, "It's not a time to be joking, Kagura sensei." Sakura laughed it off thinking I was joking, "No, I'm serious. Shikamaru, you're smart enough to think of strategies so guide this two well and Pak-kun, I trust you can protect them right?" I say.

"Of course." Pak-kun replied, while Shikamaru yawned but nodded after I stared at him. "Take good care of yourselves, Naru... You know what to do in case of emergencies." I say seriously, as he nodded diligently. "Okay, I feel more secure now. I've got to go." I quickly say as I dashed back to the arena.

I looked up at the rooftop and saw the pedo fighting with the old man, enclosed in a barrier. I jumped up to the roof top, "What's going on?" I asked the anbu's who are standing outside. "We can't go in because this barrier is keeping us out, if we attempt to enter it will burn us." Someone answered.

"Okay, thank you." I said as I watched them fight, clenching my fist hidden under my cloak. If worse comes to worse... I'll have to step in. I quickly dismissed those thoughts and sat down, placing on my cheerful smile as I cheered for the old man.

Maybe I should have sent a clone to protect them... I thought when suddenly I heard a large thump as I looked up, seeing two coffin covers being stuck with lots of kunai's. The door to it opens as I saw two bodies that I could not forget, "H-hashiramara... Tobirama?" I gasped out.

"Oh? This little girl learned her history." The pedo mocked, but I ignored him still gawking at the two bodies in the coffin right in front of me. "No way... But they should have been dead. It has been years since I last saw them..." I murmured to myself.

I watched as the two bodies start walking out of the coffin, their eyes looking lifeless. "It's been a long time Saru..." I hear Hashirama mention as I stared at their backs.

"Oh? You've aged Sarutobi." Tobirama says with his still annoyingly smug voice, "I didn't expect to see you two infront of me like this..." The old man trailed off, "What do you mean by that!?" I exclaimed, shocked by how they are still alive.

Hashirama turned around slowly, "Hashi..-rama?" I stuttered, "Kagura...?" He trailed off, looking as shocked as me. Tobirama subsequently turned around quickly upon hearing him say my name as he gawked at me angrily, "What!? That brat didn't actually die after all this years?!" He exclaimed angrily.

"Hey! I know your upset about that prank but still, it's not nice to curse people!" I say, "Prank...? Oh yeah, you brat. Do you really want to die?" He asked glaring at me as he walked closer to me, "You didn't even change." He muttered using his hands as an indicator as he measured my height to his body.

I'm too short... I only reach his abdomen area "What's going on?" The pedo asked while the old man looked on confused, "Uhm... I don't know them..." I replied nervously with a crooked smile, "Hmph! And I refuse to acknowledge this girl." Tobirama hmphed out as he walked back to his previous spot.

Hashirama turned to look at his brother and say, "Come on, I thought you guys would get along after all this years." He said. "Like hell I will!" The both of us exclaimed at the same time, he than turned around and glared at me fiercely while I matched it with my sarcastic smile.

I reincarnated as a tree in the Naruto world!! (Discontinued-)Where stories live. Discover now