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One of my favorite locations was Tranquil Thoughts. It always rains in there. What time it is here is unknown. It seems to be daylight; there is fog and small trees around, which are supposed to be about a thousand years old. But of course it's just the atmosphere. There is nothing here for thousands of years.

I come here when my psyche fails. This is part of my existence. I'm holding on for weeks. It happens that I live mentally stably for a whole month in a neutral state, but then everything repeats. I'm slowly breaking down. Describing this feeling is quite simple - utter devastation, mixed with anger from the fact that I just exist. I can't rejoice at anything, I'm consumed by absolute loneliness, and as if there is nothing to hope for. The darkness that has been in remission is slowly creeping out. All this is due to the fact that most people in the world have critically low levels of serotonin, so we are forced to take drugs containing tryptophan. But I think the reality is much more complicated. Pills alone will not bring happiness.

Many say that when you play for a long time, you stop distinguishing this world from the real one. If this were true, then life would turn into a fairy tale. But Elysium is much more interesting than it seems at first glance. I don't know if this was originally the idea of ​​​​the creators, but the longer you play, the faster you begin to notice the unreality of what is happening. I think I've already talked about feeling of being deceived.

When you put on a choker for the first time, you are euphoric from what you see and feel

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When you put on a choker for the first time, you are euphoric from what you see and feel. Dream life. In bright colors, full of everything you could only fantasize about. There is nothing to be needed here. Everything is here.

I don't know what to compare it to in reality. Something that gives you a pleasant thrill. It's like the warm night air at the beginning of summer when you know that vacation is ahead. When what you've been waiting for is so close. I think that's how people feel. Long pleasant trip.Eternal summer of your life.

It discourages the desire to survive in reality, and why? You have already bought a choker, raised the economy of your country, and now you can die in peace. Only in the virtual world. Why continue to study and work when life doesn't give you any prospects? We are told about equality, but it does not exist. Look around. There are those who tell you about equality, while they live better, and after them their children, their mistresses, will live better, but not you. In reality, you have no place. But in "Elysium" you have everything. This is hedonism in the highest degree of its manifestation, this is life for your own pleasure.

That's why everyone gets hooked on the Elysium so quickly. This happens instantly. Yet there hasn't been a single player who would try to enter the server and leave it after fifteen minutes with the words: "yes, there is nothing special here." They leave only when they are completely drawn into this world. And then, at the peak of absolute happiness, you begin to notice it. The brain sends signals to your soul.

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