Chapter 2: Magicians and Aliens

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The worst part about staying at Bobby's was that with so many hunters under one roof there were limited sleeping arrangements. Bobby had two guest rooms for hunters to crash when needed, but there were four of them. Dean had already crashed in one room and Max in the other when Sam and Elliott returned to the house that night. She had assumed the Winchester brothers would take one room and the Anders siblings in the other. Elliott groaned internally it wasn't like her and Max hadn't ever shared a bed before. Likewise, they had grown up on the road, in shitty motels. She had always been the one that had to share a bed because she was the smallest. Forcing her to have to share with either her dad or Max, but that had been years ago. Her dad had been dead for almost five years now, and she was now use to having her own bed. She would have gladly taken the couch if Sam hadn't jumped at the chance to sleep there. Apparently, Dean was a snorer and he wanted a break.

The lights were already off when she came into the room. She quietly snuck into the opposite side of the bed getting in, doing her best not to wake her big brother. Of course, hunter instincts and all he half woke up with a grunt. Max lifted his head to look blurrily over his shoulder to glance at Elliott.

"Nigh' Bug." he grumbled as he started falling back asleep.

"Night, Maxi-pad." She mumbled back falling asleep herself, but not before hearing his grunt of annoyance at his terrible nickname.

After an uneasy night of tossing and turning she finally gave up on sleep when she could see the sun rising through the windows. Making sure not to wake her snoring brother she quietly made her way to her duffel to throw on a hoodie. Then made her way down the stairs. She hesitated on the midway down when she could make out a 'whispered' fighting.

"Why would you say that?" a hiss that sounded like Dean argued. "Don't we already have enough on our plate without worrying about some girl?"

"What? Like you just getting topside?" Sam's harsh whisper retorted not getting a response from Dean. "Until you want to start talking about it Dean, we have some room on our plate."

Elliott wasn't trying to easy drop she just didn't want to interrupt the brothers. They kept arguing while she was trying to decide if she should go back to her room or not.

"She needs our help Dean. They both do. Why wouldn't we offer to help them out?" Sam continued, but before Dean could answer her socked foot slipped on the edge of the stairs creating a loud "thunk". She cringed closing her eyes as the Winchester's conversation abruptly halted. Taking the rest of the stairs down she plastered on a fake smile.

"Morning." Elliott nodded at them making her way to the freshly made coffee.

"G'morning." both Winchesters mumbled back.

The day went by slowly every one of the hunter's noses stuck in a book or a laptop. Elliott's eyes were droopy and heavy as she laid out across the couch on her stomach reading what felt like the billionth book of the day. She wasn't even sure what she was really looking for. A way to contain her power? Maybe who would be capable of cursing her with this power? She wasn't sure and all the words on the page were starting to get blurry. She glanced around the room Sam hadn't moved from his position in the armchair next to her. His hazel eyes scanned back and forth as he read something on his laptop. Mas was sitting on the floor near her his back up against the couch, reading a large book. Dean had spent most of his day in the study with Bobby, doing research in there.

Groaning quietly Elliott shut her eyes and rubbed her eyelids, needing a break. She could feel Sam's gaze flick up to her from his laptop, but only for a moment before they went back to continue reading. Elliott rolled her shoulders back blinking to focus in again. Usually Elliott really liked to do the research on a case, but research involving herself was not as satisfactory. It only made it more aggravating. The most exciting part of the day was when Max and herself had taken a break to make everyone sandwiches for lunch earlier that day. Time past slowly and it was almost dinner time. Elliott who not only hated cooking was also very bad at it, actually wanted to make dinner instead of ordering in. Anything to get away from the long study session.

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