Chapter 19: Just Sleep

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"Ellie, no, no, no, please." Sam begged it wasn't until she felt wet drops fall onto chin did, she realize she had shut her eyes again. "Don't you dare die on me."

The world was spinning faster now and her breath was coming in shallow gasps as she tried to fight to stay with it. To do what her giant was begging her to do, but she kept fading in and out. At one point she thought she was being carried. Cotton muffled her ears making the world whirl around her faster. She thought she could hear Sam and Dean shouting but her head was so confused she couldn't be sure before she finally blacked out.

The first thing that came back to her was her hearing a rhythmic beeping among dead silence. She gasped in pain only to cough and gag forcefully. There was something obstructing her throat and coming out of her mouth. Her eyes would have both popped open wide if one of them weren't so swollen. Through her alarmed pain she saw him, her giant.

"Ellie! Hey, hey. Calm down. It's okay." Sam was right next to her. His hand braced on her shoulder to hold her down. "Dean, get a nurse!"

Elliott's eyes were watering as she continued to gag reflexively on the tube down her throat. Sam was too quick. His hands wrapped around her wrists when she reached to pull the tube out of her throat herself.

"No, no, no, Ellie stop. It was helping you breathe. You have to let the nurse take it out, baby." He soothed sympathetically.

Elliott whimpered around the obstruction and Sam's face crumpled. He gathered her wrists in one hand bringing them down to her lap. His free hand went to her face gently wiping her tears away and shushing her cries. He wished the nurse would hurry the Hell up, half tempted to take the tube out himself.

When the nurse finally rushed in and pulled out the wretched thing Elliott almost hurled. Throat raw, but now empty she could feel everything now without her attention on trying to breathe. Her whole body ached and throbbed, her head felt like it was being dully wacked with every pulse. The nurse talked gently to her marking things down on her clipboard. As much as she wanted to be alone with Sam and Dean, she was not looking forward to getting scolded by them for using her powers.

"Alright honey, I'm just going to give you a little more for the pain." The nurse stated without even having to ask what her pain level was. "Now, it's going to make you a little drowsy, but you will need the rest to recover." Then she shut the door behind her, leaving Elliott and the brothers alone.

Tightly closing her eyes Elliott waited for the scolding of a life time. She had never gotten this hurt from healing someone before and knew she was about to get chewed out. When moments passed in silence, she peaked out of her good eye to see both Sam and Dean hovering worriedly over her.

"Ell, are you still hurting?" Dean fretted, brows pinched together.

"I'll go get the nurse back," Sam started but he was halted when her bruised hand hesitantly gripped his forearm.

"No," Elliott rasped, throat dry and raw. "Not that."

Sam winced at the sound of her voice. His beautiful hazel eyes landed on hers.

"You, you aren't going to get mad at me?" It came out as a squeak making herself cringe and gently rub at her throat. Both men's shoulders sagged and let out wet chuckles. Sam even sniffled.

"Oh we are plenty mad Princess." Dean gave her a soft smile. "-but right now, ain't the time."

"I -We- We thought we lost you baby." Sam leaned forward in his chair to rest his forehead on the hand he held in his sniffing back unshed tears.

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