Chapter 12: Memories Are All We Have Left Of The Ones We've Lost

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The next few weeks were rough on all of them, but of course Elliott had taken it the worst. The first day no one had wanted to drive, too caught up in their grieving. They sat around all day in the shitty motel room hardly speaking to one another. When both Sam and Dean realized that Elliott most likely hadn't eaten in over two days, they ordered in.

Elliott refused to eat at first, telling them she was not hungry. It was the truth, the thought of food made her stomach queasy. It took Dean bribing her with a new pack of Marlboro Reds and a bottle of bourbon to get her to eat. Sam had made her stuff down two and a half slices of pizza before he let his brother give her the goods. To which she almost threw back up but was somehow able to keep down. She passed out on the couch after downing almost a third of the amber liquor, her head in Sam's lap as he ran his hand through her hair.

On the second day they made the track up to Bobbie. Once on the road the Winchesters again, had to force her to eat but being hungover she was much easier to persuaded. The moment Elliott stepped into the old hunter's house she was swept up in giant bear hug, while he mumbled soothingly to her even with his normally gruff tone. That first night at Bobby's was the worst night.

Dean had lost rock paper scissors and ended up on the couch. Sam had one spare bedroom, Elliott the other. Bobby wouldn't let to couple 'canoodle under his roof'. It was about three in the morning when a blood curdling scream rang out in the Singer household. All three men that had only a moment ago been fast asleep raced to the young hunter's bedroom. Sam was the first there and slammed the door open. Finding Elliott so deep in a nightmare she hadn't even woke at the racket he made busting into the small room.

Elliott woke with a jolt when Sam shook her awake. Eyes wide with panic darting around the small room accessing her surroundings. The large hazel green eyes landed on Sam before she lunged out of bed, pushing past him to the bathroom. She landed on her knees next to the toilet and throwing up what little she had in her stomach. A large hand held her hair back as she finished her gaging fit with a sob. She felt Sam's other hand gently stroking her back. Both Dean and Bobby had wanted to help but had gone back to bed after seeing the young Winchester taking care of the girl.

He soothed her body wracking sobs, that were now not just from her nightmare. Completely embarrassed from blowing chunks in front of her giant. When she was ready, she fixed herself up with mouth wash and quickly rinsed her face in cool water. Sam led her back to her room, getting into bed with her. Not caring what Bobby would say to him in the morning.

Elliott wordlessly snuggled close to Sam and held on tight, as if he could fight off the nightmares for her. After a few minutes of not being able to close her eyes without seeing her brothers' flesh being ripped into she gave up on sleep. Sam like usual somehow knew what was happening inside her head. So, he just talked quietly to her. Doing his best to distract her from her own thoughts, he talked about nothing in particular. Stanford seemed to be a safe subject, so he whispered to her telling her all about his school papers, annoying professors, and his favorite coffee shop he liked to study in. When he was getting to a story about his first dorm room, when he could see her eyes start to droop. Sam was careful not to bring up any stories that involved his own brother or hunting sure that her nightmare had to be about Max. He didn't let himself drift off until he was sure she was finally asleep curled up half on top of him.

After that night Sam refused to sleep anywhere else. So it was a good thing that Bobby didn't even grumble a complaint about the couple's sleeping arrangement. Truth was Bobby would be okay with any solution to rid his Ellie of what had to be horrible nightmares.

Throughout the next few weeks things slowly improved. The men no longer had to force or bribe Elliott to eat, but her drinking had increased considerably. Sam expected her smoking to follow along with her drinking but to his surprise she seemed to be cutting back. He hesitated questioning her about it not wanting to jinx it and have her pick up the awful habit even more. He did eventually question her while he accompanied her in the salvage lot as she lit up, curiosity getting the better of him.

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