Chapter 11: Crossroads Blues

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Her plan was simple. Get out before either Winchester had a chance to stop her. Okay Elliott thought to herself it wasn't really a plan, but it was all she had. She needed to move before they caught on and stopped her. Sam was still in the shower, but she was sure he would be done any moment now, so she had to hurry. As Dean turned away from her to clean up the room, she made her first move. Her guilty conscious did not deter her from digging through Sam's discarded jean pocket to snag the keys to Max's- hers? She paused at the thought. Was the Beast really hers now? No, she reminded herself, Max was coming back. It was his truck not hers. It would always be his.

Grabbing her jacket and carton of cigarettes Elliott cleared her throat. "I'm taking a smoke break." She announced to the other hunter. Dean brows raised but hid his stunned expression a second later.

"Okay, let me get my boots on,"

"No. Dean thanks but no. I kinda just need a moment alone." Elliott excused with sad eyes that she didn't have to fake. Honestly it wasn't a complete lie, she did need a moment alone. Dean looked conflicted but nodded. It took him a great amount effort to turn from her and continue packing. She would be lying if she said she wasn't scared. She was very scared, but the way she saw it there was no other choice.

Once out the door she made a B line for the Beast, lighting her cigarette with shaky hands as she went. Not caring about bringing her cigarette into the truck, Max could yell at her when he was alive again. She got in quickly doing her best to stop the bombarding of memories that the inside of the cab gave her. The last time she had spread out on the bench seat letting her feet dangle out of the passenger window watching Max drive and sing along to the Beetles. Or the time Max had gotten the flu and barfed all over the steering wheel because he refused to admit he was sick. She smiled looking down at the driver's seat where they were unable to get rid of the stain completely.

Shaking the memories from her head she stuck the key into the ignition and started him up. With a roar the Beast came to life loud enough that she was sure the Winchesters would hear. Not letting him warm up Elliott moved her cigarette to her lips and pulled out of the parking lot as fast as she could. Keeping her eyes ahead of her she refused to look back, imagining the boys rushing out of the motel room in shock. Knowing the Winchesters if given a chance would convince her not to go through with it. She pulled out onto the road not looking back until the motel now out of sight.

Sam had just gotten out of the shower, dressed already as he started toweling his hair. He tilted his head to the side forehead crinkling only seeing his brother in the room. Then his heart dropped at the sound of Max's truck growling to life. Dean met his eyes wide and panicked before they both sprinted to the door. Just as they burst out the motel room, the rusty pickup turned the corner and disappeared.

"What the-? Where the Hell is she going?" Sam scowled turned on Dean, forgetting his wet hair as it dripped.

Dean stared at the corner the truck disappeared from baffled. "I don't know, she said she needed a moment, that she was taking a smoke break,"

"That is not a smoke break." Sam barked. "What did she say. Where could she be going Dean?"

"I really don't fucking know." Dean defended. "She hardly said a word while you were in the shower. I mean she didn't even respond to me that much. I think I did eventually get her to calm down though, after I-" Dean paled, eyes going wide. He felt his blood run cold. "Shit!" Dean shouted and before Sam could even respond Dean raced back into the motel grabbing his keys and ran back out.

"Dean?" Sam nearly shouted his voice thick with worry but followed his brother to the Impala. Dean shot him an equally guilty and worried glance before responding.

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