Chapter 24: Destiny Sucks

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"I'm in."

Elliott sat anxiously in her pickup, glancing again at the stereo to check the time. Ruby had sounded relieved when she had agreed to meet her at the Mid-Way-Motel in an hour. She hadn't even gone back in the house to tell Bobby that she was leaving or tell him that she would be back later. Just hopped into the Beast and left. Leaving a cloud of dust behind her. It wasn't too far of a drive from Bobby's. In fact, because of her led foot she had gotten there in under twenty minutes.

Her leg jiggled nervously as she sat behind the wheel in the parking lot. When her phone buzzed for the fifth time, she just ignored it. Assuming it was Bobby and Dean again trying to reach her. Of course, she knew why they were calling. She ran off without a word and was ignoring their calls and texts. If she did talk to them, she wouldn't know what to say and it wasn't like she could just out right tell them the truth. There was no doubt in her mind they would try to stop her. She knew how crazy this was. It was completely insane but it had to be done. Bobby and Dean will be so mad at her for ditching like this but it doesn't matter. After she heals Sam they could yell and curse her out all they want. Sam will be safe, and Dean will hopefully get over his issues with his brother once he is no longer tweaking out. Her thoughts trailed on while she anxiously waited. She wondered if Bobby and Dean would be disgusted if they find out how she could heal Sam. Shaking her head ridding her mind of the thought, because it really didn't matter what they thought of her. They would have Sam back to normal and he would be safe again.

When her phone buzzed for a sixth time she gave in and glanced down at the screen. She shot up from her crouched position on the bench seat of the truck. Among the many missed calls and dozens of text messages from Bobby and Dean was a message from Ruby. No words just a room number.

This was it, Elliott thought reaching her hand in her leather jacket to pat at the Holy Water and small dagger hidden there. Unfortunately, her speedy departure left her with limited supplies. So these were the only things she could scrounge up from the Beast's hidden compartment. Since she had been hunting in the Impala so constantly Dean had suggested she move some of her own weapons into Baby's trunk. That was months ago now, leaving the Beast with very little reserve.

Not wasting any time Elliott jumped from her truck and straightened out her jacket before making her way across the lot. The motel's parking lot was nearly empty with the evening sun starting to dip below the horizon. Pinks and oranges brushed across the sky. A cool breeze wisped by sweeping her untamed copper blonde locks all around.

She stared at the door marked with a six, approaching with a false confidence. Elliott stood there for a moment to shake off any anxiousness she still had. She knew what was going to happen behind that door and as much as it terrified her it also filled her with a strange sense of relief. She was going to drink demon blood in just a few moments yes, but in an hour or so she would be healing Sam. He wasn't going to be suffering for much longer. Her giant was going to be okay because of her and that made doing this worth it a thousand times over.

Rolling her shoulders back eagerly determined to save the man she loves, she knocked on the door with a rusty metal number six loosely nailed on. When Ruby didn't answer immediately Elliott began anxiously tapping her fingers along her denim covered thigh. She wanted to get this over with so she could get back to Sam. Ruby seemed to take her time, opening the door slowly with a lazy grin.

"Come on in, Hun'." She nodded inside leaning idly on the frame, giving the small blonde enough room to enter.

Elliott skidded around her making her way into the very cheap hick motel. She listened to Ruby shut the door behind her and slowly slide the chain lock into place. Natural hunter instincts had her assessing her surroundings for possible threats, weapons, and exits. Unlike the motels she stayed in with the guys, this room had one larger instead of the smaller two which was neatly made. On both sides of the bed were rickety night stands, each of which held its own dim flickering lamps. A small warping desk was shoved up against the opposite wall with a banged up wooden chair in front of it. She could see the closed bathroom door at the back of the room. The cramped space although old and musty didn't appear to be used. Telling Elliott Ruby hadn't been staying here, that this was just a meeting spot.

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