Chapter 9: Nosferatu

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The next two and a half weeks went by excruciatingly slow. It was all rest, research, and more rest. Elliott was going mad with all the stupid rest. The only fun she had was after dinner every night the hunters took a short break to have a movie night. All piled up on the couch and recliner with pillows, candy, and bowls of popcorn.

The first night Sam and later Dean had requested that Elliott pick one of her favorite movies. Knowing they wouldn't like her favorites she gave them a few different options, but Max of course jumped in and told them what her real favorite movies were. Although surprised they did not hate The Wolfman. They had too much fun making fun of the black and white Universal Monster Movies. Dealing with monsters in real life was much different than Hollywood, but that's why she liked them. The next movies had all been action, and a comedy thrown in there. Jurassic Park, Rush Hour, and one of Dean's favorites The Hatchet Man VI.

On the research side of things Bobby's vast library had nothing on Azazel, or demons coming back from the dead. Bobby had even reached out to any contact that might know about the yellow eyed demon. Finding absolutely nothing, which frustrated all of them. It was another week before Max had gotten Dean to saw off his flower doodled cast. Max was thoroughly enjoying his arm's freedom.

Elliott was feeling almost like herself again. Nightmares still occurred but either were not as bad, or she was getting use to them. Her bruises had faded, smaller cuts healed, and although her larger cuts stitches were out she still had a little more healing. They would definitely leave scars, but the worst Elliott thought was the textured scaring that was still healing from her burn marks along her leg. Her thigh would never be smooth and soft like it once had been, instead a large burned rippled scaring patch there and at the back of her calf. She loved her shorts but felt that wasn't going to be an option anymore.

So when Elliott found what looked like a vampire case at dinner she was hopeful. After fighting with mostly Max but a little with Sam, Dean and Bobby about staying out of it, they came to a compromise. Max had offered her a deal. If she stayed back at Bobby's and rested while he and the Winchesters took care of this vampire, she could go on the next hunt. That is after she got tatted up. Max had gone to a tattoo parlor shortly after arriving at Bobby's to get the anti-possession symbol tattooed on his chest. They kept holding her back to get her own done until she had healed completely. She agreed and begrudgingly handed over her research.

It was late and everyone but Elliott and Max had gone to bed, resting for their drive tomorrow. The two sat across from one another on the rug, the coffee table between them. Bobby's old chess board was being used for the first time in years.

"Oh, no you don't." Elliott giggled after Max moved his knight.

"Just wait Bug, I got a plan." Max taunted back with a knowing smirk.

Elliott was happy she was able to spend time with her brother. Neither of them were used to being around so many people for such a long period of time. It was usually just the two of them, and before that it was just them and their dad. They hardly had a chance to talk since she was rescued, and they really needed to talk, but neither wanted to be the one to bring up the subject. That, is how they had ending up playing chess at three in the morning.

"Yeah, a plan to die." She sassed right back. "Check!" She laughed moving her bishop. Confidence high as she finished her beer.

"Hmm. You sure about that?" At his words Elliott's confidence plummeted. Max's knight in direct shot of her king with nowhere to go. "Checkmate."

"Dammit." Exasperated she let her head fall back and grumbled. "How do you always win?"

"I'm just that good." Max chuckled as he set the pieces back.

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