Chapter 13: Witches Be Bitches

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By the time the Impala pulled up to the small town, another strange death had accrued. A high school student drowned in a boiling water while bobbing for apples. Deciding to split up Elliott and Sam went to interrogate the wife of the man that downed the razor blades while Dean went to investigate the high school kid's death.

Elliott was full of sympathy for the poor widow. Losing family and loved ones was very hard. Max's death was still fresh and although Bobby, Sam, and Dean told her that she was doing so much better she still didn't feel any better. Putting on a brave face and diving into the distraction Elliott did her job searching the grieving widow's kitchen while Sam continued to question the woman.

His voice was so calming and soft. Elliott was always in awe of how well he could empathize with people. Even if they didn't reciprocate.

"The candy was never in the oven." The widow's harsh tone snapped Elliott out of her thoughts in her search through the oven."

Elliott gave her a sheepish smile and closed the oven door. "Just being thorough." Sam distracted her again with another question giving Elliott time to continue her search. Almost instantly Elliott found something, and it wasn't good.

Holding up the little brown pouch she found under the refrigerator she gave Sam a nod before tucking the hex bag into her skirt pocket. They left after Sam had actually asked the grieving widow if her late husband could have been having an affair.

"Very subtle Sam." Elliott snorted as they waited for Dean to pick them up in the Impala. Taking a swig of her diet coke standing at a convince store a couple blocks away from the widow's house.

"What? Like you weren't thinking it?" Sam defended himself.

"Of course, I was. But you just don't out right ask a grieving widow if she was being cheated on." Elliott laughed shaking her head at the giant. Sam smile brightened he hadn't seen her laugh since before Max. It was so good to see her smile again. The rumble of the Impala stopped their banter, and Dean pulled up.

"Freaking hate witches, man." Dean complained stepping out of the Impala holding up a hex bag identical to the one they had found at the widow's house.

Sam huffed as Elliott showed Dean the hex bag they found as well. Dean told the couple he needed to grab supplies and ducked into the convenience store. Sam knowing his brother all too well shook his head and Elliott mimicked him when Dean came back out with a shit eating grin and a giant bag of candy. "Don't look at me like that. It's Halloween." Dean defended tossing a wrapper in the plastic bag.

"This ain't an ordinary witch we're dealing with." Sam explained to them as he looked through the hex bag back in the motel room. "-six hundred year old coin, two hundred years extinct herb and charred baby bones." Sam smirked at Dean and Elliott's shivers of disgust. His smirk faltered some realizing how similar his girlfriend and his brother were, causing him to shiver himself. He shook his head trying to rid himself of the thought.

After a little sitting around and research time Sam of course was the one to put it all together. He discovered that this was no ordinary witch. The stupid witch was trying to raise the Samhain a very big and nasty demon. This was way bigger than anything Elliott had ever been a part of.

Both Winchesters were hesitant to continue with the case. Neither of them comfortable with Elliott being around demons, not with Azazel still looking for her. After the boys made a few calls with no other hunters close enough to take on the case the hardly had a choice but to continue with her.

"Why don't you two keep up the nerd session? I'm gonna stake out the widower's house." Dean stood after twenty minutes of research.

"Dean," Sam started but was cut off.

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