Chapter 8: Talking 'bout My Generation

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Elliott sat there leaning against the bathroom door for only a few minutes but her mind wander. Not wanting the men to come up and see her, she pulled herself to her feet. As it turned out pulling herself to her feet was a bigger challenge than she expected. Her body was weak, torn, stitched and black and blue. Entire body screaming out in pain as she got to her feet, only allowing low grunts to escape her lips. As she straightened a sharp pain flared up below her ribs, reminding her that she probably tore out some stitches.

She turned her back to the mirror before undressing, knowing she had to look awful. Elliott didn't think she could handle seeing her own appearance at the moment. Yep. A few stitches had torn, and her shirt was now garbage. Luckily the cut was within her own reach. She limped to the shower and turned the knobs to get the hot water just right. Taking a couple last sips from the bottle, and stepped into the shower. The water burned her skin in a good way but felt scorching when it sprayed on her burn marks along her leg. Hissing at the burn, tears fell blending with the water and soothed her puffy eyes. She was strong she reminded herself. She could get through this, she was a tough hunter but for now, where no one could see her, she would let herself wallow. Let herself show weakness because no one was around and because the moment she stepped out of this shower she would be herself. The tough hunter her dad and Max had raised her to be.

Sam rubbed the back of his neck and sighed, staring up at the ceiling when he heard the shower turn on. Guilt was consuming him.

"How do we stop this?" Max croaked. His eyes were watered over, a single tear had fallen that he quickly wiped away. "Tell me she's going to be alright."

"We're going to do everything we can, Max." Bobby comforted.

"That's not what I asked!" He snapped irrationally.

"Hey. Cool it Max. We're all pretty freaked out here, alright? You need to chill." Dean warned.

"Chill? You want me to chill?" Max turned on Dean. "My baby sister was tortured and injected with god damn demon blood!! And you want me to chill?!?"

"Max," Bobby cautioned.

"No!" He shouted "This is both of your faults!" Pointing at the brothers. Sam winced and dropped his head. The older Winchester's jaw ticked at the accusation, glaring daggers at the distraught hunter for blaming Sam.

"Stop it right there." Bobby's hard gruff roar caught Max's attention. "Take a minute, before you start pointing fingers boy." The older hunter commanded leaving no room for argument. Max still hesitated eyes flicking up to the ceiling in the direction of his sister before snatching his keys. Leaving the three men in the study to take a drive and cool off.

"Bobby?" Sam hesitated. Guilt was overwhelming him. "How is this even possible? How can Azazel still be alive?"

"Both you and your brother have died and come back. What's to say there isn't a way for a demon to do the same?" He offered taking his old baseball cap off to run a hand over his head and put it back on.

"You think it's possible?" Dean questioned.

"At this point?" Bobby huffed, rubbing his eyes with his thumb and forefinger. "Dean you literally escaped Hell a couple months ago, angels exist, and there apparently are seals that if enough break the damn devil will be released. I'd say anything is fucking possible at this point." He sassed. "Now we got a lot on our plate, and yes anythin's possible but right now we gotta be there for Ellie. -and Max. The idjit don't mean what he said. He's just protecting his only family. Just like you two, they are all each other has left."

"But Bobby. What if- What if this is my fault? I didn't become what they wanted me to be, they are forcing it on her-" Sam started unable to shake the heavy feeling in his gut. Bobby being Bobby of course read him like a book.

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