Chapter 16: Angels, and Demons, and Abominations, Oh My!

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"Anna? Anna it's time to wake up," She called out gently. Then pulled the blanket back revealing nothing but lumpy pillows. Not understanding she tilted her head at the strategically formed pillows. The thick iron door slammed shut echoing loudly in the small metal room. Elliott jumped and spun around to the now closed door. The click of the lock had her blood running cold.

"No." She shouted running to the door and pounding on it. "No. No, no! Let me out!" The metal slot on the door opened revealing the chocolate brown eyes of Ruby. "Ruby, this is not funny. Open the fucking door." Slamming her fist down on the iron wall.

"Sorry honey not my idea." Then demon said almost sympathetically.

"Sam!" She shouted at the top of her lungs. "You son of a bitch! Let me out of here! Sam!!"

"Wasn't his idea either sweetheart." Dean voice rumbled from the other side of the locked door.

"Dean?" Elliott bawked brows knitting together.

"Don't blame Sammy. This one's all on me Ell." Dean stepped up to the slot his determined green eyes set. "He didn't want to do this at first but in the end, he knew your safety was more important."

"Dean! You can't do this! I'm a grown ass woman not a fucking child! You can't just hold me captive against my will!" She snarled. Glaring daggers at the cold green eyes.

"You may not be a child Ell, but you're the closest thing I have to a pain in the ass little sister," He confessed roughly. "-and I protect my family. You can be mad at me all you want Princess, but I'm not letting you out until we get back from getting Anna her grace. And I'm not sorry." She huffed, and gritted her teeth, fist balling up. He was like a brother to her too. Which made her even more furious at his stupid actions.

"You are going to regret this, both of you." She shouted the last part in hopes that Sam could hear her wherever he was. "Just let me out and we can take on this bastard together." She tried to reason.

"I'm not letting Alastair-" Dean took a shaky breath. "-I'm not letting him near you ever again. Ellie, I've been through it. I know what he can do, and I even-" His voice broke and instead of finishing, his green eyes disappeared from the little slot in the door. Footsteps thudded down getting closer to the panic room.

"Sam?" Her voice cracked hopefully. His beautiful eyes appeared in the little viewing vent. "Sam let me out. This is wrong."

"I'm sorry baby. Dean's right. This is the best way we can to protect you. He can't get you in there." He whispered miserably.


"Ellie, please understand-" He started voice desperate.

"We'll be back to let you out as soon as we get Anna's grace. Water and rations are by the cot." Dean pulled his brother back. "Time to go Sammy."

"Don't you fucking dare!" Elliott began screaming and pounding on the iron door again. Watching them through the viewing slot make their way up the stairs. Her panicked harsh shouts drowned out Sam's reassurance. She continued her protesting wails until the roar of the Impala faded away.

"He left me. He really left me." Elliott breathed out stunned. "He really left me." Then began to pace the small space inside her new prison running her fingers through her long blonde hair. She let out a rageful scream, even though she knew no one would hear her.

Sitting on the edge of the cot resting her elbows on her knees she let her head fall into her hands, attempting to process. Why did she have to love such a chauvinistic caveman? It may not have been Sam's idea but he was all too willing to go along with it and he did absolutely nothing to stop it.

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