12-19|An Awful Finals Day

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"Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground."
-Teddy Roosevelt
Today I'm wearing a black sweatshirt that has my school's name on it, high waisted jeans, white Nike Air Force 1's, a clear Lokai bracelet, a white Pura Vida Bracelet, and a wave bracelet.

So I have a lot of stuff to write about today. I'll do my best to make everything organized.

Today was our Finals day for even-numbered periods. I only had an English final today. Periods without finals were 30 minutes and periods with finals were an hour 15 minutes.

First Period:
During Spanish the teacher let us study, so I reviewed for English.

Second Period:
The final isn't what made today awful. I got an A on my English final which is better than I thought I did. There were questions about sentence parts and I forgot what the difference between a Transitive Verb and an Intransitive Verb was so I put all the ones with the verb underlined as Transitive so I would at least get some right. There were 100 questions and I was so happy to finish. There were things about our summer homework, figurative language, the Odyssey, and other stuff.

Third Period:
During World History she let us review for finals, so I worked on my Bio project.

So yesterday during all of 8th period I was in the library. 8th is when I have choir. I went to the library to print out sheet music. I had to make 20 copies of a 7-page song. 140 papers. I spent all of the class in the library plus 10 minutes after school. The library was packed with kids trying to print stuff off for finals and at my school, we only have 1 printer. I had to wait until all of the kids printed their stuff for their finals. So I went ahead and printed my Bio final papers out. After I had printed the sheet music, I went to the choir room and gave my teacher the music and accidentally gave her my Bio project too. So today I went in after 3rd period to get it back. When I walked in 7th graders were in the classroom, my brother, Liam, is in 7th. I knocked on the door for a while before some kid let me in. Then when I walked in, all of the kids yelled Liam's name. My teacher then had to try and remember where she put the papers. She found them so that was good. The printer line is really long and most teachers don't let kids go in the halls during final days.

Fourth Period:
Here's where the day went sideways. I get to fourth period and since we had done all of our presentations for Health already we watched "Strong." We only had 1 episode left. The show is actually really good, definitely recommend. So during class, I worked on my Bio project. Then I got a text from Zoey asking what I got on one of our World History assignments. She said she got an F. A 12/25. I went and looked... I got an F. But instead a 4/25. I died right then and there. Then Zoey texted me and said the class average was a 12/25. There's a button you can tap to see averages, medians, highs, and lows on an assignment. Then I asked Chloe who is in a different World History period and she said her class average was an F too and she got an F. Then I asked Rachel what she got and she got a 0. How does that make sense for a teacher to give out basically all F's? Obviously, something is wrong if 2 class periods' averages were F's. That's freaking dumb. And then my grade dropped 6 points. So I'm not in a good mood now.

Fifth Period:
For my whole 30 minutes of class, I spent working on 1 proof. I went up to the teacher and was like I know I need to prove this and this but I don't know what to type. So he didn't explain it and then it was time for lunch. Now I'm not happy because I have 9 proofs due on Friday and I don't know how to do them. He assigned a total of 18 proofs but I had already done half of them and then like lots of other questions were assigned.

I get to lunch and that's when I asked Chloe what her class average was. Then I remember that yesterday my lunch account was negative so I checked my phone to see if my Mom had put any in for me. But I couldn't find my phone. Usually, I keep my phone in the pocket meant for a water bottle. I figured I must've left it in Geometry. So I decided that I just wouldn't get lunch because I wasn't sure what you were allowed to get if you were negative. I don't know if all schools do this but you can eat something if you're negative but there are certain things it can be. Then lunch was over and I found my phone in the section of my backpack where my notebook was. So now I'm not doing the best from not eating lunch and thinking I lost my phone.

After lunch, I went to the World History classroom to ask if I could redo the assignment. Now let me tell you guys. We did the assignment over a month ago, but she just put the grades out. So here's our conversation

Me: asking if I could redo the assignment*
Her: No, the assignment is from a while back.
Me: Oh, well the grades were just released so I thought maybe I could.
Her: Well I went over the directions very clearly.
Me thinking in my head: No you didn't. I clearly remember you not explaining it. Then also you JUST released the grades. If you would've released them sooner then I would've known I did bad. Then would you have let me fix it? The assignment is from a month ago. The grades were just released. The class average is an F. Clearly something is wrong. Like if the average is an F shouldn't that tell you something.

Sixth Period:
I get to Face to Face and Zoey is in my class. I go to tell her what the teacher said and then my eyes start flooding with tears. I wasn't like bawling but I had tears coming out. So after the tears were not as bad I explained to her what she told me. Then I remembered I needed help on my proof so I calmed myself and went up to ask my teacher. My face to face, homeroom, teacher is a math teacher. So I showed him my proof I had started and it was on the iPad. He thought that the proof I had written was given to me as in the developer wrote it and I just had to fill in the last step.

Him: This isn't a very good proof they have started for you.
Me: Oh... I wrote that.
Him: shocked*
Me: I don't really know how to write one.
Him jokingly: Do I need to go have a talk with your math teacher?

But then my f2f teacher helped me and I was happy. Then I only had 8 left.

Seventh Period:
During Bio, I worked on my Bio project.

Eighth Period:
During choir, it was a free day so I worked on my Bio project.

After school, my Mom picked me up and I got in the car. She could tell I wasn't in a good mood. Then I asked her if we could get something to eat since I didn't get lunch. I didn't tell her about the World History thing. She'll find out when she check my grades. I wouldn't be able to tell her without crying. Although I told her about the choir and Geometry thing.

I spent about 1 hour on proofs during school and my Dad and I spent 2 hours last night working on proofs, so I stayed up till 1 am. Then I spent 3 hours today doing them. I finished a bit passed 10. I barely got any study time in for my World History or Geometry final. I didn't study at all for Spanish, so I'll have to look over it in the morning.

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