11-8|Pranks and Concerts

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"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."
-Dr. Suess
Today I'm wearing a blue tie-dye concert shirt, high waisted jeans, white Nike Air Force 1's, a gold necklace, a clear lokai bracelet, and a white Pura Vida bracelet.

This week was pretty fun. On Thursday, I went home with Mia after school. Then we went to a concert. It was my first time going to one. We got back super late, so I spent the night at her house. Then we went to school together on Friday.

Let's back it up to Wednesday now. My geometry teacher said,"We will have a test tomorrow or next week on Monday." What the heck. That's not very helpful. Do I study today? Do I study over the weekend? Like bro, you can't do that. So after school, I went to the BMV and took my permit test. I PASSED! I was super happy. My photo turned out horrible. I look so bad. The kid who was taking the test next to me was super cute though. He was tall, had brown hair, and was wearing a sweatshirt with the hood up.

Then after I took my test I went home and didn't have much time left to study. So I spent like 20 minutes studying. I basically knew nothing.

Now to Thursday. I walk into the classroom and everyone in my class is freaking out. They said that people in the class before us said the test was super hard and they all looked like they were about to cry. They also said that there were lots of proofs. (I can barely write a proof.) So I start freaking out and then my friend looks like she's about to cry. Then the teacher walks in and goes,"Are you guys ready for your test?"
We all said,"No."
Then he asked,"Do you think you'll pass?"
We all said,"No."
Then he said,"Well it's a good thing the test is Monday."
We all were like what? Then he told us that period 4 (the class before us) wanted to prank us. We weren't happy.

We also had a World History project that we do in groups this week. I was in a group with Zoey and Willow. Willow had a German field trip on Friday so we didn't get to finish the project. So after school we went to her house and finished it.

We filmed part of our project in our Health teacher's classroom because he doesn't have a class during the period we have World History. So we were filming and a group of boys knock on the door and we let them in. They were looking for the keys. So we gave them the keys and they left. Then they came back in to return the keys and then left. We left the classroom since the period was over and shut the door. His door automatically locks. Then we passed him in the hallway and he asked us if we left the door open. We said no. We locked him out of his classroom.  Then we head to go to the Gym to ask the P.E. teacher to unlock the door.

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