9-3|Homecoming Week

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"You can't fall if you don't climb, but there's no joy in living your whole life on the ground."
Today I'm wearing a sparkly dolphin shirt, a blue tie-dyed skirt, sandals, beaded bracelets, loom bands, and a dolphin tail necklace.

So you might be wondering why I'm dressing weird. It's because today's dress up day is Dress As Your Elementary Self and that's how I used to dress haha. I pulled back my "bangs" the pieces that you cut as bangs. I don't know how to explain it but I don't have like bang bangs. So I pulled the pieces back and to the side.

I got my outfit from the clearance section at Justice. I went with Mia to pick it out. Mia got a shirt that says Gymnastic in sparkly letters (she always used to wear gymnast shirts) and she got a black skirt that has sparkly stars on it. But she didn't wear the skirt to school and I was sad. I was the only one who actually dressed up today. Paige wore a plain white shirt and then taped Justice on it. Then she asked me to make her a pink, blue, and green loom band.

I'm not happy though because I have 3 tests tomorrow. I have a World History test, an English test, and a Health test. We didn't have school on Monday, so it's a short week.

Over the weekend, I went to my brother's travel team basketball game and I saw Jaxon and 3 other boys from my school there. Mia went with me to it. This was after our cheer game. So I had on my cheer skirt, sneakers, my midriff (the long sleeves), and a t-shirt over it. So it was an interesting outfit.

Then I pointed over at Jaxon to show Mia where he was. Then I couldn't tell if Jaxon saw me pointing at him and usually when people point it's being rude. So I awkwardly waved and then he waved back. Then Mia waved to him. It was just awkward.

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