The Past is Coming Back

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*Piper's Pov*

What was Alex doing here? I thought i would never see her again. I can't believe Nicky didn't tell me either. I'm terrified to even look at her. i can't shower at the same time anymore. I don't even think i can sit at the same table now. I know that if i go to Nicky about all of this, she'll just ask what happened between us, and i honestly don't want to bring the past up again. Besides,  Alex and her seem pretty close so Alex probably told her. Oh god, i hope she didn't tell her the pork chop story. "Hey Piper." Alex said as she raised a brow. "Alex I really don't have time to talk." I said. "What do you have to do? It's prison. It's also 5 am. Look Pipes, sooner or later you're going to realise that we're in here together and you'll have to face me sooner or later" Then she walked away. All i managed to say was "I Hate you." Alex laughed and shook her head. We both headed to the canteen to meet Nicky and Lorna. "Vause! Chapman!" Nicky yelled as she waved her hand for us to sit down. I sat next next to Nicky, and acroos from Lorna. "Chapman, Vause told me her side of the story, now whats yours?" I started to panic and said "Uhh, we met 10 years ago. In a bar. We hung out a lot, traveled..and l-loved each other." I can't believe i let that slip out. "Wait, that why you're so uneasy around me? You still love me. I can tell" Alex said. "What? No, no i don't, I have a fiancé." Alex laughed. She continued to shake her head. "You don't love him. I know you." She said. I got up and left. I needed to clear my mind. Is it possible that i don't love Larry? Maybe i do still like Alex. What if she loves me too? I don't think i can handle this...All i know is that when Larry visits tomorrow, i won't tell him about Alex. He can't know. Not now.

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