Live and Let Learn (part 3)

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*Piper's Pov*

I woke up the next morning and rolled over to see Alex. She was still sleeping. She looked so peaceful.

I got out of bed and headed to the kitchen. Lorna was already awake and was starting a fire in the fire place.

"Morning!  How does it feel to be free?" Morello asked me.

"Amazing. Hey, I'm making some breakfast for Alex, do you want anything?" I asked.

She shook her head. I started brewing coffee,  and looked through the cupboards to see what I could make. "Perfect" I said to myself.

I made bacon, scrambled eggs, toast, and and a side of fresh blueberries.

I arranged everything on a platter and brought it to the room.

I woke Alex up, and placed the platter across her lap.

I kissed her forehead, and handed her her glasses.

"Good morning beautiful. " I said.

Alex looked at me and said "Why good morning gorgeous. How kind of you to make breakfast."

I smiled and sat down next to her.

"You know, you just got out of prison. I should be the one that's  spoiling you. From now on, you Piper Elizabeth, are to not lift a finger."

"Alex, it-" She cut me off.

"Let me take you out tonight. Just us. Okay? We could use it. Think of it as couples therapy. " Alex said as she laughed.

I smiled and kissed her. "What about Lorna?" I asked.

"She'll be fine, her sisters coming over anyway." Alex said.

She got up from bed and headed to her closet and threw some clothes on quickly.

"Piper, we're going shopping. I'm buying you something sexy. Might come in handy tonight" Alex said as she winked.

We headed out the door. "See you later Lorna, have fun with your sister" I saod as we walked out.

She waved bye.

After shopping for 4 hours, we headed to the restaurant.

The whole time we were in the car, Alex refused to tell me where we were going.

We pulled up to a 5 star restaurant.

"Al, no. This is far too expensive..." I said.

"Pipes, don't worry about it. Really. You're worth it baby."

I think I was falling for her... and for once I had the guts to free fall with Alex Vause. She's all I wanted.

We ate our meals and drank wine.

We talked for hours. Suddenly, the TV in the bar area stopped broadcasting sports to report a breaking news story.

".... house fire. Two girls got out safely. No report on the damage done yet but will keep updated" the news anchor said.

I looked at Alex mine and her eyes widened.

"You don't think..." I said.

"Well, did she have the fire going?!" Alex said.

"Yeah, but I thought she would keep a better watch" I said.

"Shit." We both said.

We rushed home and saw Lorna and her sister standing outside.

Lorna was short of breath.

"Look, its okay, um. You guys stay down here. Okay? I'm gonna run up there real quick" Alex said as she started to run.

"ALEX! NO! It isn't okay. It's not safe for you to go up there!" I yelled as i grabbed her arm.

It was no use... Alex ran up to the apartment.

It was smoking and still had flames...

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