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*Piper's Pov*

4 days of isolation and hell are over. All I want now is to find Alex and be with her. "Chapman! Come here, lets sit down. Been a long 4 days." Nicky said. I was confused and just sat down. "How was SHU?" Nicky asked. I don't know why she asked, she's been there before, she knows what it's like.

We talked along side with Morello for quite some time.  We headed to the kitchen and started to eat lunch. Red walked over to us "Nicky, have you heard any news about Alex?" Nicky silently said 'fuck'.

I looked at Nicky and asked "What happened to Alex?" Lorna moved closer to me to try to comfort me. Nicky looked at Red and Red knew that she screwed up. "Chapman, while you were in there... Alex got attacked by Pensatucky. They brought Pensatucky to psych. And Vause went to the hospital. She'll be okay. Trust me, when i got there, Alex was getting Pensatucky back."

I was taken over with anger. All I wanted to was murder fucking Tiffany Dogett so bad. Crazy Eyes once told be once you go to where Pensatucky is, you don't come back quickly.  That was a relief to hear.

I ran back to my cube. Plopped down on my bed and just cried. Lorna came over to me "Honey, If I know Alex, I know she's a fighter. She'll be back here in your arms in no time." She hugged me and smiled.

I layed in my bed for days. I wanted Alex. I wanted her to be okay, to be safe. I didn't move from my bed. Nicky tried to get me to, but I wouldn't.

*Alex's Pov*

This is the day that I leave this hospital. I couldn't be more excited. I was comming back to Piper, and a Pensatucky free prison. Thank jesus. I got out of the van with help from Morello. She helped walk me to my cube.

I saw Piper laying down on her bed. Morello helped me sit down on mine "There you go Vause. Now take it easy." She said and walked away. I layed down and said "Pipes. Come be my little spoon"

It took Piper a few minuets to realize that I was back. "Al? Is that you?" She asked. I said 'yes' and she walked the short distance to my bed. We cuddled and i just smelled her beautiful hair.

"I missed you Miss. Chapman" i said, and she responded "Why, Miss. Vause, I missed you greatly." We giggled and continued to lay together.

Piper told me about her time in SHU and I couldn't believe it. It seemed awful to me. I don't ever want to go there. "Alex. My mom is visiting me, and I would like it if you would meet her when she comes to visit me tomorrow." I was surprised. Piler continued to say "I called her a few days ago and I told her about us. She can't wait to meet you!"

I looked at Piper and just smiled. I couldn't believe it. Piper and I are actually an item. I finally got my Piper back. I was so overcome with happiness i just kissed and hugged her,  I couldn't wait to meet her mother.

Piper filled me in on her family for the first time in the 10 years that I've known her. I was finally feeling like she cared about me and trusted me enough now.

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