Chapter 2 - My own personal stalker

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            "Yes, I will tell you more about it tomorrow, but for now I need to get some sleep. . . You know, some people actually do something called sleep. . . Okay, bye." I hung up my phone and sighed in relief. I fell onto my bed and looked up at my dark blue ceiling that was painted with stars to imitate the night sky.

            Today had been . . . something different. After The Marvel left me, I went to find Lacey in the crowd. Lacey, as you might've guessed, was ecstatic about what had happened to me. She was also very jealous that I got to meet her favorite super, and I didn't even have the smarts to ask for an autograph.

            According to Lacey, I was the luckiest girl in the world right now. According to me, I was the unluckiest girl in the world right about now. Tomorrow at school would be hell. Everyone will ask me about what happened, and how it felt to be saved by an actual super. Don't get me wrong, not everyone in our school was super obsessed with the supers, just a good number of them were. And I definitely wasn't looking forward to their fan induced questions about the experience.

            After I got home she demanded to have a phone conversation. She kept me on the phone for three hours, retelling to her every detail about what happened. She demanded to know how he smelled, what color his eyes were, how his voice sounded in person, how it felt to be in the presence of such greatness, and more. I doubt I'll ever be able to forget a detail, I repeated it too many times to ever forget.

            I looked at my watch and sighed again, it was ten at night and I still needed to shower, and do my homework. I decided to do the latter first, so I grabbed my Batman themed backpack and took out my thirty pages worth of AP Calculus, AP English 4, AP Physics homework. Tonight was going to be a long night.




            I finished and finally stepped out of the shower and, wrapping my Superman towel around my body, keeping me warm in the cold air conditioned air of the bathroom. I  picked up my Spiderman toothbrush and brushed my teeth while humming my favorite song. After I was done with that, I finally stepped out into the dark shadows of my room.

            Still humming, I searched through my drawer for something to wear to go to sleep. I finally spotted my comic themed pajama shorts and tank top and grabbed them.

             I turned and stopped in my place. There was a dark figure standing next to the window near my bed. I reached for the light and turned it on its lowest setting so I won't wake up my father. I took my glasses from the counter and put them on, just in case my horrible vision was doing tricks with the light.

            Are you kidding me?

            There, standing in the slight light of my bedroom, was none other than The Marvel. Now most girls in my situation would either scream in joy or run and hide because they just realized that they were still only wearing a towel. Me on the other hand, I just stood there, subconsciously wrapping the towel tighter around me.

            "Hello," the super greeted with a little wave.

            "What the hell are you doing in my bedroom?" I whisper loudly and urgently to him.

            "Well, to answer that, I would have to first answer many other questions that led to my coming here, and I'm pretty sure you don't have that kind of time on your hands." He avoided the question.

            "Well, if you wouldn't mind, I would like to have my bedroom back to myself. Then you can go back to popping into any other teenage girl's bedroom's as long as it's not mine." I spat at him.

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