Chapter 15 - The not so great day

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            It had been over a month since anything strange or out of the ordinary had happened. No one had come flying through my window. No one had plundered through downtown. No one had shown up suddenly out of the blue.

            And I hated it.

            I had gotten so used to the strange events of the last couple of weeks that it seemed foreign to me that life was going about as normal around me.

            Musical practice got progressively closer to normal, and most of us stopped using our scripts. Archer only had to leave early once more from practice and actually managed to remember his lines without laughing at the more serious parts. The chorus was able to learn all the dance steps and sounded good most of the time. If you'd ask me, I'd say that things were going pretty okay.

            But it'd only be half the truth.

            Believe it or not, I was actually a little sad that The Marvel had stopped making it his lifelong mission to annoy the hell out of me. But it did feel nice to finally be out of the school paper.

            On that note, Caine Temple seemed to have moved on to a more interesting story. One of the more popular girls was just found out to be fooling around with one of the more younger teachers, though nothing could totally be proven. It seemed that the world had moved on from the whole Marvel fiasco.

            But I couldn't.

            My father started not to show up at home as often as he used to. It seemed that ever since I got home from the hospital that he spent more time at work. He claimed to be working a very high profile case, one that had everybody at the precinct stumped. It was the stolen item from Carlton laboratories that was stolen back during the battle at the festival. But I wasn't about to tell Lacey that. She didn't need encouragement to keep investigating.

            I was currently sitting outside of the dressing room in Delia's, waiting for Lacey to pop out wearing yet another outfit for me to judge. I honestly didn't know why she trusted my judgment, considering that I was the same girl who went to last year's homecoming in 'something my grandma would approve of', which apparently is a bad thing.

            "Alright, what about this one?" Lacey asks.

            This time she's walked out wearing a dress that I was sure her own grandmother wouldn't approve of. Her heels had to have been at least five inches tall. I could never understand what was so attractive about almost tripping in unreasonable heels and not being able to bend over unless you wanted to show off your underwear to the whole world.

            I opened my mouth to reply when Lacey answered for me, "No, you're right. This is a little too sparkly, it doesn't go well with the heels."And with that Lacey walked back to the dressing rooms without falling. How? I'll never know.

            I'd always been a little jealous of Lacey - I mean - who wouldn't be? Lacey wasn't just pretty, she was extremely smart too. What she lacked in athleticism she made up in her looks and her brains. She could have any guy she wanted - if she ever actually wanted to get with anyone.

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