Chapter 20 - M.A.S.K.E.D.

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            I could hear a multitude of voices surrounding me. There were too many that they made my head feel like it was about to explode. I tried opening my eyes, but the world was blurry. Then I felt the wave of sleep falling over me again and I closed my eyes.

             The next time that I woke up I could make out four voices clearer than before. I opened my eyes and turned to look where I was. Tiled floors, cheap, thin blankets, paper gown, IV's in my arm.

             I was in Empire City Hospital.

             I groaned and turned back towards the windows, where my father sat, head in hands.

             "Guys, she's awake!" Lacey's voice came from behind me. I turn and am greeted by a hug that would've crushed my rib cage if she hadn't been pulled off of me.

             "Oh, thank God," my father says as he gets up and gives me a hug of his own.

             I turn and see Archer and Connor sitting on the other side of the room. Archer was sitting off in the corner for some reason. I look over at him and hold my arms out for a hug. Surprised, he walked over and gave me a tight hug, like Lacey. After all, they were related. I looked over at Connor, confused. Why had my co-star come to the hospital to see me? We weren't really that close, were we?  

             "What happened? And why am I in a hospital?" I ask quietly.

             And at that exact moment the nurse walked in to check up on me, her face was relieved to see that I was finally awake. So how long had I been out? What had happened?

             "Honey, do you feel light-headed or sore anywhere? Can you remember what happened?" The nurse asked in a soothing voice.

             "Yeah, I," I paused, "I feel fine, just a little sleepy. But I can't really remember why I'm here."

             The nurse sighed, "Can you tell me the last thing you do remember?"

             "Yeah, I was . . . I was getting on the bus. I was going to get something for Mrs. Cunningham for the musical because Lacey had other plans. Did something happen on the bus? Did we crash? Is everyone else alright?"

             The people in the room looked warily at me. There was something that I had said that worried them.

             "I'm going to go get the doctor that's on your case," The nurse said hurriedly.

             "Was it something I said?"

             "Arabella," Archer started, "That happened on Wednesday."

             "Yeah, and . . . ?" I was confused, I wasn't an idiot. I knew what day it had been.

             No one wanted to tell me, I could tell by the looks on their faces. I immediately looked over at Lacey. She was always easier to break if you wanted information.

             "Today is Sunday. You've been out for a couple of days. Ever since you, Archer, and Connor went missing from the performance on Friday, apparently."

             The performance? The performance!

             "If I was missing, who played my part yesterday and today? Did you guys still do the musical?" I asked frantically. If they missed it all just because of me . . .

             "Yes, we did," Connor speaks for the first time since I awoke, "Meredith Hamilton played your part and we had one of the extras play hers. If it makes you feel any better, everyone didn't want to do the musical without you there."

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