Chapter 3 - I'm not a Damsel in Distress

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            "You're saying that you never even asked him for his number, or anything?" Lacey said with disbelief as we walked to first period.

            "Well, I think I was too busy being scared out of my mind to think of asking my savior for his number. And besides, if someone else got a hold of his number, they could potentially figure out his secret identity through it, so I doubt he would have given it to me anyway."

            Lacey sulked, "It wouldn't have done you any harm to ask."

            "Who knows? It could've" I yawned at the end and let my eyes sink a little deeper.

            "Why are you so tired this morning?" She asks.

            "I just couldn't seem to go to sleep last night."

            "Right, and that wouldn't have anything to do with a certain super roaming your thoughts all night?" She hinted.

            I yawned again, "Yeah, something like that."

            Since last night I couldn't get The Marvel out of my mind. Of course, it was mostly because he had popped into my bedroom at two in the morning and left me with more questions than answers.

            I hadn't told Lacey about the late night visit, and I wasn't intending to - I mean - I didn't want her to get the wrong idea of the whole situation. He had only come over to see if I was okay and to ask for a 'thank you', right? I bet he breaks into all the other girls' bedrooms, I can't be the only one.

            "Hey, Arabella!"

            I turned around and saw Caine Temple, a fellow senior and the top reporter and photographer for the school newspaper, running our way. Now, Caine Temple isn't just any newsie, he's the guy who caught the picture that showed the school lunch ladies cutting back on the food given out to the student body and not giving us the required amount of healthy food by the law, which got the school actually eatable food to eat and nicer lunch ladies. He's also the kid who wrote the story on one of our old vice principals stealing funds to remodel her house, which turned out to be true when the police checked in on the story.

            Caine Temple was not just a reporter for the school newspaper, he was a legend among the student body. He was the reason anyone even bothered to read the school newspaper, the Oceanview Tribune.

            "Hey Caine," I greet him as he runs up to meet us.

            "I need to take your picture for the Oceanview Tribune," he lifts up his camera in demonstration, "Act scared or something, you might make the front page." He smiled and tried to take a picture.

            "Woah, wait," Lacey pushes his camera down and away from his face, "why do you need Arabella's picture? What did she do to get herself in your column?" She sneered.

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