Chapter 19 - PF-08

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            I groaned and turned my head as the sharp light pierced through my eyelids. I distinctly don't remember leaving the lights on last night in my room, had dad come upstairs to wake me?

             And then I fully remembered the events of last night. Someone obviously used the blackout as a distraction to kidnap me, what an amazing first performance. Not the sarcasm.

             I opened my eyes and tried to move my arms, unsuccessfully I might add. It seemed that my arms were strapped down to the strange chair that I had been sitting in. I tried to move my feet too, only to learn that they too were strapped down as well. Well this was quite the situation I had found myself in.

             "Well, it looks like sleeping beauty finally decided to wake up," A voice says from a dark corner. But I know this voice.

             Tornado steps out and my eyes go wide. What use could a female teenager whose best talent is singing and acting be to a super villain who most likely wants to take over Empire City and then the world?

             "It seems know that you're awake, we can start."

             I take a quick look around the room, trying to see any possibilities of escape. That's when I noticed Connor, tied to a pole a couple of feet away from me. Why would Tornado kidnap him as well, unless he knew that he was The Marvel.

             "I see that you've noticed your silent super friend over here." Tornado gestures tiredly over at Connor, "He hasn't talked at all since he woke up, which has made it pretty boring in here. I think he thinks I kidnapped you to get to him. The irony is that it's almost the opposite of that. I didn't really need him as much as I needed you. He's just here because he got in the way."

             Connor's eyes got a little wide as he noticed Tornado taking out a little vial, I'm guessing what was stolen from Carlton Laboratories during that battle at the festival.

             "Tornado," I say, my voice sounding hoarse from not talking, "why are you doing this? What's the point of stealing some stupid serum and kidnapping me? What's so significant about me?"

             Tornado slowly made his way towards me, holding the vial carelessly in his hand, "I'm not sure exactly, but my employer seemed to be insistent on only using you. He says descendants of supers might be more susceptible to the serum."

             What was Tornado talking about? I definitely don't think my super-hating father was ever a super, and my mother was just a scientist. Besides, there were no woman supers in Empire City, or Iris City before she died. Woman supers are kind of rare too, if you ask me.

             "If the whole fight at the festival was just a distraction, what's so important about some stupid serum? Unless," Connor's eyes got wide as he started to put it all together, "Chase and his father knew about what the serum was, what it did, didn't they?"

             Tornado sighed and carelessly flipped the vial around in his hand, "Yes, I bet they did. My employer told me all about that little misunderstanding. Carlton was originally apart of the plan, but he chickened out, refused to provide his end of the agreement. So, he did the most reasonable thing in his position, he got rid of the problems, the Carlton's were always a little too curious."

             My eyes went wide this time as I thought of how they went missing. The Carlton's case was dropped and they were presumed dead fairly early into the investigation, did they have a mole inside the police department? I had to warn my father as soon as I got out of here, that is, if I can get out.

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