Chapter 13 - The Origin story

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            "Your sure she's fine? She didn't break any bones? Get a concussion? Post traumatic stress?" My father asked the nurse for the billionth time.

            "Yes, I'm sure. We only need her to stay the night for observation. Otherwise, she's okay. Her friend on the other hand, Lacey Waters, has a couple hairline fractures. I'll need to attend to her now, the Mayor's daughter does have some precedence over yours. I'll leave you two to talk for now, but visiting hours are over in twenty minutes." The nurse says tiredly. She's probably had a ton of people from the festival to check on today, of course she'd tired.

            The nurse left the room, most likely rushing to care for some other patient. My father turned to me, his face full of joy. He had gotten the call that I was in the hospital while on the job at the festival. He had immediately rushed over and wouldn't leave until someone let him see me.

            "Arabella, are you sure your okay?" He asks.

            "Yes, dad. I'm fine. The nurse said that I just had a small concussion, nothing to worry about."

            "I shouldn't have let you go to the festival," he shook his head, "I knew that something bad had to happen with that super hanging around. Nothing good ever happens when those supers are involved."

            "Dad, that super, The Marvel, saved my life and everyone else's at the festival. It wasn't his fault that Tornado showed up."

            "But it was, Arabella," he tells me, "All those supers care about is whose better than the other and they don't care who they hurt in the process. Promise me Arabella, don't ever get purposely involved in any of that super crap."

            "But dad-"

            "No buts. Those supers are bad news."

            "Holding a grudge against Empire City's favorite super isn't going to bring mom back." I say in a quiet voice, "The super that killed her is dead, so don't take it out on the supers that are trying to prevent something like that from happening ever again."

            "Arabella, do not bring your mother into this," He says threateningly, "this had nothing to do with her."

            "No, it had everything to do with her. Ever since she died you've been obsessed with the idea that all supers were bad. Well guess what? Some supers are actually trying to make this city a better place. So stop blaming everyone for something that happened ten years ago!"

            "Arabella-" He tries.

            "No, I don't want to talk to the likes of you any longer. Visiting hours are almost over anyway. You might as well leave before someone at the precinct notices that you're not working your case." I say, my tone final and threatening.

            He looked like he was about to say something, anything, that would change my mind, but stopped himself. He gave me one last look, pleading me to change my mind before leaving.

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