Chapter 21 - Tying up lose ends

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             It had been almost a month since I got out of the hospital. School had ended yesterday for the Seniors, we didn't need to take finals anymore. I already knew what college I was going to as well, Iris City University. It was only a couple of hours away in normal traffic, and I could always come and visit.

            Lacey had been undecided for the longest time in high school, but she finally settled on journalism. She was going to take online classes so she could land a job at the Empire City Post. She decided that she wanted to keep investigating, which meant she wasn't going to be giving up her hacking skills anytime soon.

             Archer left school early, said he was traveling around the world before starting college, like many students do. We had both broke things off, thinking along the lines of how long distance relationships never work.

             For some reason I hadn't felt as upset about our breakup. He had been my dream guy, crush, obsession since forever. But I seemed to be wary around him ever since I hit my head in that alley. It was like my subconscious was warning me with big red flashing lights whenever I was with him. So I didn't end up breaking down crying on the floor like in Taylor Swift's White Horse music video, nor did I end up trashing his red pickup truck like in Carrie Underwood's Before He Cheats.

             Caine's father, the captain of the police force, was convicted of helping a super achieve destruction. It was one of the new felony's brought about by the super revolution. Basically my father had found incriminating evidence against the captain that showed he had helped Tornado out in some way or another, enough to throw him in jail. My father was promoted to police captain in his place, something that made me proud. All his hard work had finally paid off.

             In Iris City I'd be working at a diner part time, living off of a cop's salary didn't leave much in the way of tuition. Somehow I had a feeling that leaving Empire City was my best bet at forgetting everything, and maybe remembering a few things about a certain weekend.

             I was currently packing my bags for the trip over to my new apartment in Iris City, which were all going to squeezed in my newly fixed, bright green bug sized car. I realized that I wasn't packing as many bags as I expected myself to, most of the essential things I needed had already been pre-shipped ahead of me.

             I picked up the Captain America comic that The Marvel gave me for my birthday. It was still a mystery to me how he had figured it out, since I told no one but Lacey. Maybe he was given exclusive information about Empire City residents.

             I wish I knew what had happened to our city's caped hero, no one had seen him in almost a month.

             The first week of his disappearance we were in denial. Maybe he was just taking a break? The second week was when the newspapers and news stations started to take notice. By the third week the city was in a mass panic. We hadn't been without a super to save the day in quite a long time, we didn't know how to survive without one.

             No new supers had decided to move to our city yet seeing as the threat of Tornado still lingered in everyone's minds. Even though he hadn't been seen in weeks either, people were still suspicious.

             When I finally finished packing my last bag to bring out to the car, I sighed. This place held so many memories that I couldn't believe I was actually leaving it behind me. I looked at the now empty walls and floor and tried not to think of the happy memories they contained. If I start getting attached now, I'd never get to Iris City.

             I walked down the stairs and was about to open the door, when my father called me into the living room. I was surprised, he was almost never home during the day, especially since he was the police captain now.

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