A short story all about how two hearts meet under extraordinary circumstances after the tragic death of one of the main characters parents.
It is extremely detailed and over all romantic.
The story includes but is certainly not limited to topics t...
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www.LahsannRogers.com Golden Glow Films @say_it_aint_sold ONE LUCKÌ DAY Bita Vol. 1 By: Lahsann Cunningham-Rogers GLOSSARY
Dedication Pg 3
Poems "Outcast" By: Lahsann Pg 5 "Star Struck"By: Edna @Thee_impress_Isabel editing; Lahsann. Pg. 12 "Standards" By: Lahsann, Pg. 23 "ISIS" By: Edna @Thee_impress_isabel editing; Lahsann. Pg. 24 Chapters LUCKÌ Pg. 6 JADE Pg 10 THE STARS Pg 14 THE GALA Pg 19 THE AFTER DRINK 26 SUPER LUCKY Pg. 29 Dedication Page
This story is a drama about love, crime, and happiness. One Luckì Day embodies the fictional short story of a successful Hollywood star, four poems that go along with the story and how she finds love. (The poems are italicized) Written by Lahsann Cunningham- Rogers after having three years of writers block. Thanks to my friends and family and other inspiring culprits I'm able to give you One Luckí Day; volume 1 of BITA. (With many more stories in the world of BITA to come) Lastly this book is dedicated to you the reader. As they say, "no job is done until the paper work is finished" – Unknown. No matter how many break you may need. Nor how long it may take you to finish reading this book. Please don't stop reading it until you've finished the story. If you put it down come back to it eventually. Again, more to come. My Instagram @say_it_aint_sold "LIVE IN YOUR IMAGINATION AND TOMORROW THEY'LL BE FASCINATED" – LAHSANN.
ONE LUCKÌ DAY – A BITA STORY By Lahsann Cunningham-Rogers
I don't fit in, I try and I try I don't fit in, I try....... and I try The rest are all in. They're ins And I'm out. I don't fit in beyond the shadow of a doubt I'm thinking, I'm thinking, but what can I do? So that I fit in like the rest Like all of you I just want to be normal, loved and along I just want to fit in, but it's my size, I'm just wrong I don't fit in, Maybe it's my socks? No I'm done, Since I don't fit in I'll just think outside the box
He was quite accomplished for a timid person. Luckì was from a small town in Texas. He knows how fortunate he is to be present at Jade's event. Let alone how lucky to be the director of plans for the event. Luckì-Prince-Cunningham, a professional scholar type with quirky talents and a keen sense for marketing; the only reason he was involved in Jade's event in the first place. He also happened to be handsomely charming in a mischievous, Idris Elba or Johnny Depp, "absent minded of what people thought of him" sort of way. His confidence came from his father, Tom Cunningham, a New Yorker who once strived to be a fashion model. People liked Tom. For,Tom, was a well-mannered, highly traditional man and a profound connoisseur of proverbial chivalry; If you catch my drift. His charm set him apart from others.