An Eventful Morning

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Welcome to this story! I was really excited to write it, so here it is! This story was inspired by the anime Yona of the Dawn. But it's going to be a bit different and my own style.

It's different than my other stories of course, because it's based on a fantasy romance and not a high school or basic life romance.

Also please feel free to correct me if I make any mistakes. It's important for me to work on my writing and improve it <3.

Anyway enjoy! ❤️


My eyes fluttered open as the smell of breakfast wafted through my door. I could hear  bustling of servants as they chatted in the hall of the castle. A smile makes its way to my lips as I look out the window. The sun shines through, showing off the light from outside. I push myself up, using my right arm and smooth down my cream colored nightgown. 

My name is Lucy Heartfilia. I'm the princess of of Celestia, a small kingdom on the southern sea. It's a very small but absolutely beautiful. I live with my father, King Jude. My mother, Queen Layla died when I was just a baby. I don't know much about her. Father barely  speaks of her as it brings back painful memories. But I do know that I look so much like her and hearing that always makes me feel so much closer to her.

Since her death, Father has been extra careful, shielding me from the outside world. Next week is my 18th birthday and I'm finally going to be presented to the outside world.

"Princess!" Virgo calls through the door while knocking. Her voice takes me out of my thoughts and I sit up instantly. "It's time for get ready for the celebration today!"

Ah right...the special ceremony in my kingdom, celebrating the 400 year anniversary of my family's reign. How could I forget that? It's one of the most important events in the kingdom.

"You may come in!" I tell her immediately and see her open the door. She gives me a sweet smile like she always does and I return it warmly. I care about my maids and servants, even treating them as my friends. They are my only friends after all.

"When is the ceremony?" I ask while she prepares my bath.

"Tonight at sunset, Hime." Virgo reply, while helping me out of my nightgown. Once the bath is all set with soap and bubbly enough, she takes my hand and helps me in.

I sigh while bathing, thinking about my birthday next week. A half hour later, after I'm freshened up, Virgo helps me dress in a lavishing rosy gown. When I'm all dressed and ready, she leads me to our palace salon, where Cancer, our hairdresser, dries my blonde hair and prepares it neatly in locks down my back. When he's done, I twirl by the mirror and admire myself.

"Virgo, how do I look?" I ask, not glancing at her. My eyes are still on the reflection of myself in the mirror. I turned my head from side to side, looking for wha

"Beautiful as always, Princess." She gives me a nod, smiling. I grin back at her and continue to look at the mirror.

"Well if it isn't my beautiful daughter." I hear father's voice from behind me. "Looks like you were late to the opening ceremony again." He chuckled. "Oh what will I do with you?" Although he sounds stern, I can tell he's only teasing by the sound of his voice.

"I'm sorry, Father." I internally slap myself for missing the opening ceremony again. "I overslept again, didn't I?" I cross my arms and look at Virgo. "Why didn't you tell me?"

She shrugs. "Princess never asked."

"You could have still told me." I roll my eyes and turn back to father. "How did it go?"

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