An Unknown Presence

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"This is what I needed," I sigh, sitting down comfortably against the side of the bath. We recently checked into the Inn a few hours ago and I haven't left our room. Natsu left about half an hour ago to buy food and Happy is chilling in the bedroom while I'm in the bath. The warm water feels wonderful on my skin and I slowly scrub every inch of dirt on my arms, stomach, and legs

"I've never been so content!" I splash the water happily and grab some soap, before washing my hair. I've never cleaned myself before, being a princess and all.

Humming to myself while I gracefully run fingers through my tangled hair, I start singing a song I remember mom singing to me when I was a baby. The tune is beautiful and the worlds always brings warmth to my heart.

Every inch of me is trembling
But not from the cold
Something is familiar
Like a dream I can reach but not quite hold
I can sense you there
Like a friend I've always known
I'm arriving
And it feels like I am home

I have always been a fortress
Cold secrets deep inside
You have secrets, too
But you don't have to hide

Show yourself
I'm dying to meet you
Show yourself
It's your turn
Are you the one I've been looking for
All of my life?
Show yourself
I'm ready to learn

Ah ah ah ah

Ah ah ah ah ah

I've never felt so certain
All my life I've been torn
But I'm here for a reason
Could it be the reason I was born?
I have always been so different
Normal rules did not apply
Is this the day?
Are you the way
I finally find out why?

Show yourself
I'm no longer trembling
Here I am
I've come so far
You are the answer I've waited for
All of my life
Oh, show yourself
Let me see who you are

Come to me now
Open your door
Don't make me wait
One moment more
Oh, come to me now
Open your door
Don't make me wait
One moment more

Where the north wind meets the sea

Ah ah ah ah

There's a river

Ah ah ah ah

Full of memory

Come, my darling, homeward bound

I am found

Show yourself
Step into your power
Throw yourself
Into something new

You are the one you've been waiting for

All of my life

All of your life

Oh, show yourself
Ah ah ah
Ah ah ah
Ah ah ah

After I finish singing, I let my now let my clean hair go and scrub my shoulders, while humming to the tune a bit. Soon, my whole body is washed clean and I lift myself up from the bath, before exiting the bathtub. The cold hard floor shocks me a bit from being used to the warm water from the bath. Grabbing the gray robe on the chair nearby, I wrap it around my body and fling my hair down my back.

"Princess!" A his of a whisper says from behind me. I gasp and turn around towards the voice but I don't see anything.

Maybe I'm just imagining it...I thought, shrugging my shoulders before slipping
off my robe and grabbing my nightgown off my chair.

"Princess, please hear our calls!" The voice says again.

"Whose there!" I whip around, but again I don't see anything. Only the curtain on the window moving side to side from the wind whirling outside. Ignoring the uneasy feeling in my stomach, I slip on my nightgown and my dry hair before brushing it with silky brush.

"Princess, we need your help...we will be waiting for you."

Shuddering, I glance around one more time and my eyes widen when I notice a few slight shadows by the window. But before I can react, they vanish as quickly as they came and soon the sounds from the window is only the wind.

"What was that..." I whisper, accidentally tripping over the towel on the ground. My shout of surprise echoes across the room, "Dammit! My knee!" I hiss, wincing from the pain.

"Lushie, are you ok?" Happy knocks on the door, "I heard you shout."

"I'm alright," I tell him, looking at the bruise on my knee. It's not too bad looking, just a little red. I hope it doesn't turn purple or get even worse...I sigh, finally standing up.

"I'm back with food!" I hear Natsu call a moment later when he opens the door. My stomach rumbles at his words and I immediately exit the bathroom.

"Finally, I'm starving!"

"What no thank you?" Natsu grumbles when I impatiently grab one of the containers from his hands and open it up. The strong smell of chicken curry wafts up to my noise and my mouth waters at the sight, "So much for your manners, Princess," He huffs, plopping down on one of the beds.

"Sorry I'm really hungry," I give him a look and grab some chopsticks, "But your right, Natsu. Thank you for bringing us food," I frown and begin digging in with my utensils. The taste of curry and chicken feel wonderful in my mouth and I chew it with great satisfaction.

"My pleasure, Princess." He replies and opens his container after handing Happy his fish, "Was your bath ok?"

"Yes, it was very relaxing," I reply, deciding to refrain from telling him about the voices Natsu already has enough to worry about right now, I don't want to stress him more.

"Other than her shouting cause she fell," Happy snickers after taking a bite of his fish.

"Shut it, cat! I tripped and hurt my knee, ok?" I shout, throwing him an angry look.

"You tripped again?" Natsu shakes his head, laughing, "Quite clumsy, eh Princess?"

"Shut up, Pinky!"

"Aww, that's insulting Princess," Natsu fakes a hurt expression and places his hand on his heart, "You hurt my feelings."

"Good, because you deserved it!"

"Someone's in a bad mood," Happy snickers.

"Alright that's it, stupid fur ball!" I yell and slam down my hand, "Come here so I can throw your darling fishes into the fire!"

"You wouldn't dare!"


"Princess!" I hear Natsu whisper in the middle of the night, "Get up!"

"Ugh...what is it?" I sit up and rub my eyes, yawning in the process, "I'm serious Natsu, if this is a prank..."

"It's not!" He says, his voice quiet but firm, "Sting's men, they're here in the village! We have to leave now!"


Whoop! I finally updated! Sorry it took so long, I've been pretty busy with school work. But today I finished my college courses and have more time to write!

I hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading! Your support means a lot!

Stay safe and see you later ✌️❤️

Date published: May 4, 2020
Word count: 1095

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