Don't Give Up

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(This chapter has been edited and revised)

(I added a bit more to the chapter at the end)


"Lucy!" A boy with blonde hair called out to me.

The sun shone in the sky and brightened up the garden. The trees glistened in the sunlight and the flowers blew with the wind.

I looked up from my place in the garden and smiled up as the boy ran towards me. His gorgeous blue eyes glistened in the sunlight and my heart fluttered at the sight.

"Sting!" I got up and ran towards him right into his open arms.

Our bodies embraced as if we were perfect for each other and we laughed when we both landed on the ground. The hard impact causing us to fall onto each other.

"I missed you," He told me once we both sat up beside one another.

"Me too," I said, grinning up at him, "I'm surprised you came so late in the afternoon. Usually you come earlier in the morning."

"Father finally let me come visit you today for a few hours. He's talking with the king about some important business." He told me and played with a lock of my blonde curls.

"Hey, Sting?" I said, when we both lay on the grass. The sun shone in my eyes as I looked up, so I glanced at him.

"Yes, Lulu?"

My face blushed at his nickname for me. "Do you promise that we'll always be together?"

"Of course." He turned his face towards me and kissed my forehead. "I won't leave you, I promise..."

Just as I was about to speak, the boy's image faded and I found myself in my Father's study. My eyes widened at the sight in front of me.

A man with gold locks was grinning down at me, a dagger in my father's chest. His once blue eyes that lighted up with the room with their beauty, were dark. Hatred filling them as he looked at me.


"Your pathetic!" He said coming towards me, a craziness filling his eyes. I screamed as his dagger filled with my father's blood came towards my neck.



"Princess! Wake up!" A male's says, waking me up from my nightmare. I'm shaking and muttering: "Father no..." My eyes flutter, but I can barely open them.

I groan and open my eyes, finding myself against a tree. How did I get here?

The sun was shining, signaling that it was morning. Looking up, I notice a pair of green onyx eyes looking worriedly into my brown ones.


"Are you alright, Princess? It seemed like you were having a nightmare of some sort."

"Y-Yes, it was nothing..." I sit up and rub my head, "I-I'm alright..." Looking around, I notice something, "Where's Happy?"

"He went to explore the nearby river for fish," Natsu answers and knits his eyebrows, "Are you sure you're aright?"

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?"

Lier! Your not okay at all!

He raises his eyebrows and crosses his arms, "Are you positive? Because I don't seem to believe you."

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