I'm A Celestial Mage?

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We spent the next few days resting until our wounds fully healed. During that time I would help Anna out in the kitchen and garden. While Natsu insisted to practice his fighting skills. It wasn't the best idea, due to him being fatally wounded, but Anna's herbs seemed to heal him immensely. At night we'd sleep in the guest room, due to the room I first slept in, being Anna's. She was sleeping on the couch during the days I was unconscious and I couldn't have her do that for me during our stay here.

Natsu and Happy slept on a soft mattress on the floor, while I slept on the bed. They both insisted with me having the bed, even when I tried to argue otherwise.

At night I could barely sleep. One, being unused to Anna's hard mattress and two, the voices coming back, while whispering me to come to them. I would wake up at least once a night, breathing heavily. Who are these voices? What do they want?

"Lucy, I need help cutting these vegetables," Anna says, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, sorry!" I quickly rinse the carrots and dry them, before evenly cutting them each into mini circles. After spending almost a week here, I've learned how to prepare meals and cook. After making a few mistakes of course, but now it's like I was never a raised in a palace!

Humming to myself, I continue to mince some onions and peppers for our dinner. After I'm done, I hand Anna the bowl filled with the cut and minced vegetables.

"Thank you, dear."

She smiles and places them in the large pan on the stove. I watch as she lightly mixes everything while sprinkling on herbs, spices and a bit of melted butter. "Would you like to try?" She hands me the ladle and I nod, taking her place.

"Not too difficult, eh?"

"No," I laugh, shaking my head.

"Okay, now that's it's a little cooked," Anna says, grabbing the bowl filled with cut up meat, "Let's mix in the chicken and we'll cook a bit before we add the sauce."

We both chat while we finish cooking up the food. I don't understand how I've never cooked before, it's a lot of fun!

"Lucy, can you go call the boys?"

"Yep!" I reply, laying down the ladle before going outside. Natsu and Happy are out training in the woods. They've been doing that a lot lately, well mostly just Natsu. Happy has been going along to watch him train.

"Natsu? Happy?" I call, entering the woods to the clearing where Natsu, usually trains. But no reply seems to come, "Huh maybe they went farther in today?"

Holding tightly onto the small knife, Natsu gave me a couple days ago, I venture out into the woods. The trees are all over the place and I have to climb on rocks to get farther in.

Dammit! Why can't they just stay in one place?!

"Lucy, come to us."

"Really, now of all times?!" I sigh, turning towards the voice. Maybe I'll finally figure out whose been calling me. While walking I hear many whispers around me, but even though I'm a little frightened, my curiousness takes the best of me. The voices lead me to a huge rock in a large clearing, twenty feet from the edge of the forest.

"Please master, we need you!"

Master? What do they mean? Grabbing ahold of the large rock in front of me, I clamber onto it. Once I'm on, I notice it's a little steep and gulp, not in the mood to climb down. Last time I ended falling was down a cliff. I'm not falling again!

"Just a bit more master and you'll find us!" The voices urged, making me snap up my head and look down.

"Just go for it, I guess," I place the knife in the back of my boot and begin sliding down. Managing not to slip or accidentally fall, I land gracefully on the ground. "Okay, I'm here! Now can you tell me who you are?" I say loudly, brushing my dress, "It's the least you could for haunting me since we left that Inn!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2020 ⏰

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