Anna Crescent

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When I woke up, I immediately began to cough. Sitting up, with my right hand covering my mouth, I slowly open my eyes while still coughing. looking around, I notice I'm in a small looking bedroom. A desk was beside my bed with a small oil lamp placed in the middle and a small flower vase.

Where am I? I thought to myself, leaning against the headrest behind me. What happened?

"In my small humble hut," A stern voice says, startling me.

Did I say that out loud?

"Yes you did," The woman says.

Okay! Now I'm actually thinking!

The door across from me creaked open and a woman with blonde hair entered. Her golden hair was in a bun on top of her head. Her brown eyes looked tired, but her shoulders stood tall as if she didn't care. I gasped when the light from the window seeped through and I saw her face in full view. She looks a lot like my Mother.

"Your lucky you're alive, young lady. When I found you a couple of days ago, you were on the brink of death," She continues, "It's a miracle you and that salmon haired boy survived that fall with all those injuries." I sighed inwardly with relief, when she said Natsu survived too. "Now drink some water, it'll help give you strength after sleeping for so long." She hands me a glass of water, I take it from her and gulp every last drop down.

Groaning, I hold the side of my stomach where I was injured, "Who are you?" I manage to say, my voice straining from the pain. But the water helped me gain more of a strength to talk.

The woman chuckles, "I'm not surprised you don't recognize me, it's been a long time since we last met, Lucy."

How does she know my name?

"My name is Anna Crescent, I'm your Mother's older sister."

(A/N:  know her last name is Heartfilia, but I made her have a different name because she's related to Lucy's mother,  not her father and I don't think she should have the same last name)

"But h-hw is that p-possible?" I gasp out, "Father said you disappeared years ago. Everyone has presumed you dead for years!"

"It's because I wanted everyone to think that," She explained, setting down the cup of water, "Has your father ever told you how your mother and he met?"

I shook my head, "No, it was always difficult for him to talk about, but he did tell me it was a beautiful story."

Anna smiled softly, "It was...and much like a fairy tale." She sat down on the chair by the bed.

"You see...your mother and I weren't born into royalty. In fact, we came from a very poor family. We lived in a small farm, on the edge of a mountain. However, one day your father came to the small village near our home. Your mother was herding sheep, lost in her imaginary world. During a huge festival to honor his visit, your father caught sight of your mother and fell in love with her instantly.

"For days, he hid behind the rocks, just watching her. Your mother was always smart and knew he was there from the first day, but she loved the attention. On the third day, she turned around and looked where he was hiding, saying, 'Are you going to stop staring and say something, or should I?' Your father blushed and stumbled from his hiding place."

I laughed at that. My father, a clumsy blushing teenager? He always seemed so headstrong and confident.

"The two began to talk and became close in days. Your father and mother instantly fell in love with each other. And months after seeing her, your father decided to propose and she accepted. But the problem was, he forgot to tell her, he was the prince of the kingdom of Celestial. Imagine the shock when he told her and took her to his palace. It took weeks for his parents to accept his choice in marrying a commoner, much a poor farm girl. And even months for your mother to understand the life of a princess and soon, a queen. But she was a natural and became one of the most loved Queen in the whole kingdom."

" is a beautiful story..." I sigh, imagining it all in my head, "But why was the reason you left and disappeared?"

"Your father invited your mother's family to the palace and even built us a grand house on the palace's grounds. Mother and father were very happy and of course, accepted the invitation. But for me it wasn't easy, I wasn't like your mother, all graceful and natural for royalty. So two years later, when you were only just a baby, I left. I wanted to return to our old home, but it was in ruins. Bandits, I presume. So instead I came here and made a life of my own. I regretted leaving without an ounce of goodbye, so I never visited and in the end, decided it would be best to pretend I disappeared and even died."

Tears formed in my aunt's eyes, "I still regret leaving to this day, because I was never able to say goodbye to your mother before she passed. I hope she has forgiven me."

"I'm so sorry, Anna," I place my hand on her arm, "Just know that mother is with you and of course forgives you." We sit quietly for quite a while, happy to finally meet.

"Well, Lucy, I think it's time you get out of that bed and eat!" Anna says wiping her eyes and standing up, "Besides you just be yearning for fresh air and I think that little exceed friend of yours has been worried enough."

"Is Happy alright? Is Natsu okay?" I ask, immediately worried for my friends.

"Yes, the little cat seems to be adapting here well, although..." Anna laughs, "He did try to raid my fridge full of fish I was going to cook tonight."

"Yep, sounds like Happy!" I giggle.

I'm glad he's okay at least. I just hope Natsu is alright too...

"As for Natsu, he's still unconscious. His wound was a lot deeper and life threatening than yours." She continued, answering my question. Still chuckling from Happy's obsession of fish, "But the boy is strong, I'm sure he'll be up in no time."

"Lushie!" I hear a high voice yell from the other side of the door, "It's Natsu! He's up!" Happy flies into the room and perches on my shoulder, while jumping up and down, "Come on! He's asking for you!"

Not needing to be told twice, I run out of the room and into the room by the kitchen. Sure enough my brave Knight is awake and very much alive. I walk slowly towards his bed, wanting to be careful, knowing he's still in pain.


His head snaps up, "Princess! Oh thanks Mavis! Your alright!"

I giggle quietly, "Of course I am, thanks to your bravery. I'm just happy your alright." I fling myself on him and give him a light hug, which was a huge mistake.

Natsu winces and moves a bit. I immediately pull away, realizing, I was putting pressure on his wound, "Sorry..."

He flashes me a smile, "No worries, just in a little pain still..."

I clear my throat, "Anyway, like I said, I'm glad your alright and awake. I was worried the wound was fatal..."

"Oh trust me, it'll have to be more than this silly wound to take me down," Natsu grins, puffing up his chest, "Don't worry, Princess. I'm not going anywhere. Nothing can take the great Dragneel down!"

I giggle at his childish attitude. Yep that's our Natsu, alright.

"Ahem." We both turn to the doorway and see Anna with a small smile. Her hair was still tied up in a bun and an apron around her waist, "Since your both up, I think it's about time I make you something to eat and then we have lots of important things to talk about."

"Oh right..." I say and look at Natsu, "I think you should know who Anna really is."


Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I had fun writing it!

Sorry it took me a while to update, I had a hard time gaining inspiration, but in the end I did 😂

What do you think of Jude's and Layla's love story? Isn't it romantic and magical? I love stories where a prince or princess falls for a commoner, it makes it much more exciting! I'm a huge sucker for those types of romance and fairy tales, which is why I came up with this idea. You can probably tell that by the type of characters Lucy and Natsu are!

Anyway, thanks for reading and see you all next time!

Date published: July 10, 2020

Word count: 1380

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