dinner date?

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Jennie and lisa reached home

Jennie dragged lisa to the house up to her room

Jennie :imma get u ready now go take a shower hurry up and ill choose a dress
Lisa:ok unnie
After 30 min▪☆

Lisa:unnie im done
Jennie:ok i choosed the dress already now sit here meanwhile i do the make up.
After 1 hr
Jennie:ok im done now wear the dress i choosed.

That is the final look☝

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That is the final look☝

Lisa:thank u unnie.
Jennie:ur welcome
Lisa and jennie went downstairs
Ŕose:Ooooo lisa where u going
Jennie:she is going on a DaTe.
Jisoo:wah date who is the lucky guy.
Lisa:guys its not a date its just a dinner.
Jennie:with ur date hehehhe
Ŕose:tell us who is the lucky guy
Jennie:lisa's partner photographer
Jisoo:wah then its bound to fall in love.
Lisa:yah its no-
Lisa's voice got interrupted by a car honking outside.
Jennie:wah her date is here
Lisa:ok bye unnies
Jenchuchaeng:bye baby have fun

Then lisa went out and got into the car
Lisa:hi bambam
Bambam:hi lili
Lisa:how do u know my nickname
Bambam:u dont remember me
Bambam:ur potato
Lisa:wait POTATO! Thts u
Bambam:yeah how can u forget me
Lisa:im sorry potato
Bambam:its ok hehehe

Lisa and bambam reach the restaurant
Lisa:wah isnt this an expensive restaurant
Bambam:its not tht expensive
Lisa:wah a billionare here

Lisa and bambam went inside the restaurant

Bambam took lisa to the table there was only one table.
Lisa:huh only one table dont tell me u book this hole resto for me.
Bambam:its for u babe
Bambam:lalisa manoban will u be my girlfriend
Lisa:of course i will
Lisa:but i cant believe tht u book thus restaurant for me.
Bambam:i will do anything for u

Then they started eating the food which is on the table.
After 2 hrs they finished

Bambam:lets get going princess it is already late.
Lisa:ok lets go my prince
Bambam and lisa went to the car.
Bambam:did u enjoy?
Lisa:of course i did
After 30 min they reach in front of lisa's home.
Lisa:ok make sure u drive safely home.
Bamabm:ok wait
Bambam cupped lisa on the cheeks and kissed her lips and eventually they were making out in the car.

Bambam:ok thts enough or it might go too far ok goodnight baby.
Lisa:good night babe.
With that lisa went out of the car and went inside the house.

Lisa And Bam BamWhere stories live. Discover now