jk how dare u flirt

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Next day at work
Lisa was in her office checking what schdule she has next
Lisa:oh its free time imma go meet bambam i havent talk to him in a while.
Lisa went to bambam office
*knock knock*
Bambam:come in
Lisa:hi baby
Bamabam:hi babe
*lisa sat in front of him*
Lisa:im bored
Bambam:really dont u have a schedule after 10 mins with jennie
Lisa:oh ya how do u know
Bambam:i saw schedule yesterday i saw it with jin
Lisa:oh ok
Bambam:u know how much i miss u when ur not with me
Lisa:u dont miss me look at ur paper work its all piled up
Bambam:but i have time with u right
Lisa:hm thts true
Just then..... jin entered the room aka www
Jin:oh hey lisa i know ill find u here the photo is 5 mins early cause u have to take sepereate ones first of jk and jennie so u have to head to the studio now
Lisa:oh ok
Bambam:bye babe
Lisa:bye jagi
Lisa and jin went out the room
Jin:so u are dating him
Jin:good choice now head to the studio
Lisa:thank u oppa and see u bye
Lisa went in the studio
Lisa saw jk was already ready
Lisa took the calera to the set and start setting it up
Lisa:ok ummm can face a bit forward ahh yes put ur chin up and ur hands in the pocket and put ur face bit to the left ahh yes now stay still
Lisa checked the photo
Lisa:irs good
Jk:wah baby u take very nice pics
Lisa realised he was standing right beside her with his hands on her waist
Lisa:uhh ty umm jennie u ready
Lisa ran to the dressing room
Lisa:jennie unnie
Jennie:why who is troubling u
Lisa:tht jk guy is flirting with me
Jennie:just now he was flirting with me now with u such a playboy ill kill him dont worry.
Lisa:ah dont do anything here
Jennie:ah its ok i even can kill him with my stare and no one will realise he will pass out he goes to the hospital then i mix something in his water make him drink it and he is dead~
Lisa:wah such a nice plan unnie but i dont think it will work out hahahahhaha
Lisa started laughing
Jennie:yah will u just stay there and laugh wont u rske the photo
Jennie went out
Lisa went to the camera
Lisa:ok jennie unnie chin up waist a bit to the left and ur face to the right hands on ur hips and yasss done the perfect pic.
Director:ok now jk come
Jk went to the set
Lisa:ok umm chin up pls and face to the right ok done. Imma edit it now
Lisa went straight to her office and to the computer
Lisa:ok connected now imma work on it.
Lisa had to edit the pic cause the editor was on leave.
Lisa was editing the pic meanwhile her door knock.
Lisa:come in
Somebody came in but said nothing
Lisa faced to the door but she was suprised that jk was standing in front of her.
Lisa:what do u want
Jk:I want u
Lisa was suprised by his words
Lisa:and why is that
Jk went to her ears
Jk:cause ur mine baby girl

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