chapter 23

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Bb mom:oh lisa ur here
Lisa:hehehhe ya um
Bb dad:its ok its his house anyways
Bambam:yah so tell me now why u call all of us
Bb mom:lisa ah ik know ur past
Lisa's eyes widen
Bb dad:its ok u will be fine i know
Bambam:wht do u mean?
Bb dad:u might wanna here it from her then from us and lisa ah tell when u think its the right time ok dont pressure urself
Bb mom:its ok he will except u no matter wht
Nancy:im damn confuse...
Bb mom:so tom there is a party for our company make sure u three come
Bb mom:ok see guys
Bb mom+dad:see u
Bambam+lisa+nancy:see u
They both went up
And lisa lie down on the bed
Bambam locked the door
Bambam:now should we continue wht we were doing
Lisa:ok baby im ur
□□□□then u know wht happen□□□□□□
Lisa woke up next morning remebering last night
Lisa:ahh wht will i do with our u jagi ah
She stroke bambam's hair
Bambam:hmmm ur awake
Lisa:yes u too
Bambam sudden action make lisa suprised
Bambam carried her to the bathroom
bambam:not today
Then.u know they took a shower toghether
After the shower lisa was getting ready with the help of nancy's clothes
Lisa:wahhh this is good
Bambam: hi baby
Bambam back hugged lisa
Lisa:hiii now i need to go will u excuse me
Lisa was about to leave when bambam held her hand
Bambam:where will u go without me
Lisa whispered to his ear something
Lisa:yahh ill never leave u stuff it in ur potato brain
Lisa gave a peck on bambam cheeks and hurried outside
Bambam:wahh this girl is mine
Jungkook:that girl is MINE!
RM:yahh stop getting angry on a girl who doesent love u
Jungkook:but i love her
Suga:u cant have anything u want jungkook there is some limit and besides she already has a bf why trouble her
Jungkook:cause i want her i love her since a child i have been withnessing her with tht him and i cant handle it anymore and i cant belive she already started dating with tht guy tht always make me furstrated and everyone in this room knows me very well when i want something i always get it and i wont back away when i say i want her ill get her myself one more time i repeat she is MINE
Pls read this
So thank u for reading this part the other part might be uploaded tom or on sat ty

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