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Lisa:wah ur house is big
Bambam:ofc it is we are going to have 20 children ofc it has to be big
Lisa:wth no wayyy
Bambam:wah scared hm
Bambam said while wrapping his arms around lisa's waist
Lisa:why would i be scared infront of a potato like u hehhehehe
Bambam:okok wth
Lisa:yah i forgot to bring my clothes hmphhhh
Bambam:its ok u can use one of mine
Lisa:ok fine
They both went up to change
Bambam:here u go
He gave lisa a oversized shirt and some comfortable pants
Lisa:thank u jagi
She said while kissing bambam's cheeks and run into the bathroom
Bambam:wah this girl is mine
Then the door bell rang
Bambam:imma go and get it
He went down
After sometime
Lisa:ah jagi ah why u cateered all ur clothes in the bathro-......wait he is not here hmph boys wht they can possibly do
She tidy up his clothes and went down
She went to the living room
Lisa:oh jag- wait jackson?!?!?
Jackson:oh hey lisa when did u come back
Lisa:a week ago
She sat near bambam
Jackson:and u live here?
Bambam:she is my girlfriend
Jackson:wah lisa yahh u found a better guy then before
Bambam:wht do u mean better guy
Jackson:so she also had a ex boyfriend name Lay and he cheated on her then left her in thailand
Lisa:yah u didnt need to go deep into it dumbo
Bambam:but i have to know hehrheh
Lisa:ya ya
Jackson:hahahhabtw now he is married with a woman name yoora
Lisa:finally he is out of my life
Bambam:and i am in
Jackson:ok guys i better get going see ya
Jackson went
Bambam:lisa ah
Bambam:yah u still contact ur ex
Lisa:no why
Bambam:no ahnmm
Lisa:yah just stuff it in ur head i will never leave u
He said while putting his head on lisa's lap
Lisa:ur tht tired
Lisa:go change potato ah
Bambam:i wanna change with u
Lisa:shut up
Bambam:why ah
Lisa:u know right
Bambam:okok sorry
Lisa:heehhehe ok go change
Bam bam:ok
Bambam went up to change
Lisa:huf finally
Then a unknown number call her
Lisa answered it
???:hello baby miss me
Lisa:hm hello
???:dont recognise me?
Lisa:yah just tell who u are already
???:i can tell someone related to ur past
Lay:yes baby finally u recognise me
Lisa:yah shut up im not urs anymore and ya ur already married
Lay:i know but my wife is a snitch
Lisa:yah how many hearts u gonna break
Lay:i just know tht im not gonna break urs
Lisa:but u did
Lay:im coming
Ended the call
Lisa:tht guy ughhh why does he need to contact me
Lisa went up to her room

Lisa And Bam BamWhere stories live. Discover now