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Lisa:hi jagi
Bambam:hi baby
Lisa:sorry i had to disturb y-
Bambam:yahhhhh dont u dare say sorry infront of me again or ill really kill u
Lisa:kill me
Bambam: ......
Lisa:u cant right hehehhehe
Bambam: wahh this girl is savage
They reached the restaurant
Bambam got of his seat and jogged to lisa's side to open her door
Lisa:thank u my prince
Bambam:welcome my princess
They went in to the vip section
Bambam:after u
Lisa thank u baby
They both went in
(Bb mom stands for bambam mom and bb dad stands for bambam dad)
Bb mom:oh hi sweet heart how are u
Bambam:im fine mom
Bb dad:u forgot me
Bambam:how can
Bb mom:whos tht pretty girl over there
Bambam:she is my girl friend i wanted her to meet u guys
Bambam said while putting hands on lisa's waist
Lisa:hello mr and ms nice to meet u
Bb mom: yah dont call us ms call me aunty or mom
Lisa:oh ok thank you a-a-aunty
Bb dad:I must say u got a preety girl friend there bambam
Bambam and lisa sat down and started to eat their food and talk
Lisa:umm can u escuse me i need to go to the washroom
Bb mom:sure dear no prob
Lisa went to the bathroom and saw jennie was there too
Lisa:jennie unnie!
Jennie:wah lisa how come u here
Lisa:we always end up in the same place dont worry hehhehe
Jennie:hehehehe so u here with bambam and where do u sit
Lisa:in the vip section
Jennie:oh thts why couldnt see u ok ill see ya later bye bye
Lisa went back to the dinerr table
Bb mom:so wht do u do lisa
Lisa:oh i work in the photo institute
Bambam:she is my partner
Bb mom:oh so thts how u guys fall for each other
Lisa:oh we knew each other 10 years ago we were friends then i went to thailand so we never got to see each other so i came back and thts how i met him
Bb mom:oh so do u have any friends here where do u live
Lisa:I live with 3 girls jennie jisoo and ŕose unnies they are my childhood friends too
Bb mom:oh jisoo she is an actress and jennie she is a model
Bb mom:wha u guys are lucky bambam take care of ur girl u are lucky to have her
Bambam:ofc i will
Bambam said while putting his hands on lisa's thigh
Bb dad:so do u have like friends which are boys
Lisa:ya i do
Bambam's eyes widen
Bb dad:who
Lisa:jimin jin taehyung jackson and hoseok oppas
Bb dad:oh ok
Bb mom:wah bam take care of her she might slip out of ur hand
Lisa:I wont ever leave him i promise
Lisa said smiling
Bb dad:oh ok hehehe u guys better get going
Bambam:dad its saturday tom
Bb dad:but i have work
Bambam:oh ya hm
Bb mom:ok see u auys later bye lisa bye bambam
Lisa and bambam went out to their car bambam open the door for lisa
Bambam:here u go princess
Lisa:ahhh thank u my prince
Lisa said while cupping bambam's cheeks
She went in and bambam went to his seat
Bambam:can u stay in my house for the night
Lisa:I dont kn-
Suddenly a lot of messages came
Jennie unnie:lisa i cant sleep in the house ok today
Ŕose unnie:lisa sorry i cant sleep in the house today jimin is taking me some where
Jisoo unnie:lisa i cant sleep in the house today
Lisa:ok i can
Lisa:nobody is slepping in the house today i also want company *wink*
Bambam:ahhh okok
They reached the house
Lisa:wah ok
Both of them went out out and went in
Pls read this
Guys i think my updates will slow down because of school so sorry but ill try and keep updating
Thank u♡

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