chapter 24

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The next day
Lisa was at her office editing some pics when her phone rang
Lisa didnt see the ID and picked it up
Lay:hello there
Lay:cant u hear me
Lay:ok im in infront of ur office look out sode the window
Lisa went to the window
Lay:i see u baby come down before i force u
Lisa:come force me
Lisa ended the call and ran to bambam's office
She knocked bery hard
Bambam:yo come in
Lisa went in
Bambam:yahh wht hpn to u
Lisa:i wanted to meet u*smile*
Bambam smelled somethig wrong
Bambam:ok in tht much hurry
Lisa sat on the chair then her phone buzzed
Bambam:why arent u answring tht
Lisa:umm i dont want to
Bambam snatched lisa's phone
Bambam:its a unknown number hmm
Bambam pov
I answered the phone when some stranger yelled
Lay:lisa come down here now i mean now u know wht i can do with u so come down noww
Bambam:umm hello
Lay:lisa stop acting cause u gonna end up with me any way and imma get u by tonight u dont know how am i going to tht so choose hard way or easy come with me now or ill take the hard way babe
Bambam:im coming *imitating a girls voice*
Lay:hurry up babe i cant wait
Bambam:ok *imitatimg again*
End call
Bambam:who the hell is this guy
Lisa:its lay the guy jackson was talking about
Bambam:imma end this man
Bambam ran to go to this guy while taking lisa along
Bambam:ok so u go to tht guy if he even touches u im here
Lisa went
Lisa's pov
Lay:so u here babe
Lay was about put his hands on lisa's waist went bambam punched lay
Bambam:how u dare huh *punch*
Lay:relax boy she is mine
Bambam:was urs now mine
Lay:wht do u mean
Bambam:she is mine *punch*
Lay fainted
Lisa:yah u be to aggressive
Bambam:do i stand a random guy touching my baby
Bambam put his hand on lisa's waist while going inside again and going to his office
They went in lisa sat on the chair
Lisa:wah finally im tired
Bambam:u better go back before they realise ur are not in ur office
Lisa rushed out
Bambam:wahh this baby hehehahha

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