chapter 27

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The next day at the girl's house
Jackson:U WANT ME TO WHAT!??!?!
lisa:plss oppa for the sake of me
Jackson:fine if its for u not for making him having fun
Lisa: so jin oppa his plans start tom right
Jin:yes losa i know every single plan of his if we put our plan in between its perfect
Lisa:ill start packing
Jisoo:ahhh lisa ah i cant belive ahhh
Lisa:dont worry ill be back here after this guy gets out of my life.....ok ill go pack my bag before bambam comes
Lisa went up and started packing
Lisa:ok lisa this is not gonna last for long hmph
Lisa went down with her bag and saw bambam sitting on the couch
Ŕose:u done lisa?
Jennie:awahhhh lisa yah u have to come back ok or literally ill kill u
Lisa:ofc ill come back unnies
Bambam:ok lets go
Bambam took lisa's bag while everyone is walking towards the door
Jisoo:make sure to eat properly ya
Lisa:yes unnie
Everyone:TAKE CARE!!!
they both drove off
Lisa:bambam why ur luggage is here?
Bambam:change of plans we are going to the airport to america
Lisa:HUH??!?! SINCE WHEN??!?!
Bambam:we discussed it will be easy to for him to find our house and i told jackson to stay there so ya
Time skip at aeroplane
Lisa:ok finally america here we come
Time skip at the hotel in america
Lisa:finally our room yasss
Lisa jumped on the bed then she remebered her job
Lisa:bambam what about our jobs?
Bambam:i told them we will take a 2 month holiday so ya
Lisa slept back again
Bambam kept the luggage went to the bed flipped lisa
Lisa:wht happen
Bambam started to kiss lisa after 2 mins they stop to catch their breath
Bambam:i havent tasted my baby's lips form a long time i had to taste it
Bambam:lets go out to eat hm
Lisa:ok let me fresehen up
They both fresehen up and went out to eat in american grill
Bambam:what u wanna eat
They ordered two burgers and beer
They started eating
Lisa:so what are we going to do here
Bambam:idk first ill search a flat to stay in and then mabey we could get a job cause this is going to last xfor at least 2 to 3 months
Lisa:thank u for helping me
Bambam:what is thank u ah ur mine i can do anything for u

Jungkook was at the girls house pointimg a gun at jennie
Jungkook:WHERE IS SHE!!!!
jennie:she went out
Jungkook:really or are u lying
Jimin taehyung jin ŕose and jisoo were held back by jungkook's men
Jennie:jungkook she went out i think with bambam
Jungkook:with him?
Jennie:yes either with him or she went out by her self to get something
Jungkook  stop pointing the gun
Jungkook:lets go
Jungkook and his men went out
Taehyung ran to jennie
Tae:u ok
Jennie:im fine at least lisa is safe

Back to bambam and lisa
They were in there room lisa was taking a bath and bambam was sitting on the bed
Lisa went out of the bathroom while drying her hair
Lisa: what u doing
Bambam:finding a nice flat to stay in
Lisa:ok.........after 10 days is ŕose unnie's birthday
Lisa:hm it reminds me of how last time we celebrated her birthday
Bambam:ok i wanna sleep gn
Lisa:me too gn

jackson:they told me that they are going out and i have to stay here
While they are out
Jungkook:where did they go?
Jackson:idk they went to a restaurant mabey
Jungkook:ok thank god i trust u
Jungkook went out
Jackson:huff tht was hard

days passed like this jungkook coudnt find lisa or bambam but in exchange he got aressted by the police and was sentenced jail for 20 years for causing a lot of accidents on the road. bambam and lisa went back to korea entering there normal life span again
Lisa:unnies ah can u help me with the movie its not turning on im tired already

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