late babies

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After the party
Ŕose:wah jisoo unnie also hot a boyfriend
Jennie:we are singles*clap* eventhough we are hot we are still single
Ŕose:wht the hell
Lisa:yah hmmm
Jennie:wht hpn lisa
Lisa:hm nothing
Time skip at 3 at night
Lisa:why cant i sleep hufff
She took her phonea nd scroll on instagram then somebody call
Lisa:oh its bambam wait wht he is awake now
She answer the call
(The bold text is wht bambam is saying and the italic text is wht lisa is saying
Hey baby why are u awake
I should be asking why are u awake and btw i couldnt sleep thts why
Why u cannot sleep because of me?
Wdym because of u
U keep thinking about me thts why
Yah u crazy
Yes im only crazy for u
Lol ok im sleepy gn
Lisa:ok tht was weird i think i need a glass of water
Lisa went down to the kitchen and saw jennie drinking water
Lisa:Oooo right time
Lisa sneak at the back of jennie drinking water
Jennie dropped the glass and lisa burst out laughing
Jennie:wth lisa wht do u think ur doing
Ŕose and jisoo ran to the kitchen
Jisoo:wht hpn
Jennie:lisa scare me unnie
Ŕose:literally again lisa
Lisa still cant stop laughing
Lisa:o o o ok sorry unnie
Jennie:its ok
They hug
Jisoo:ok babies sleep time
Lisa took the glass of water drink it and went up to her room
Lisa:ok tht was fun hehehhe
Lisa went to the bed and slept
¤The next morning¤
lisa:ok my god wth hpn
Jennie:we are 10 mins late pabo hurry up
Lisa rushed to the bathroom changed took her things and went down
Jennie:have breakfast hurry
Lisa:its ok imma skip breakfast
Jisoo:come he-
Jennie:yah wait for me!!
Jennie ran to the car with jennie
Lisa drive the car as fast as she could and they reach the building
Lisa:bye jennie unnie see ya later
Jennie:ok bye see ya
Lisa rushed inside to her office kept her stuff
Lisa:omo im 35 mins late
Losa rushed to the studio and saw bambam  clicking the pics of jungkook but didnt know how to work the camera properly
Lisa:give me tht
Losa took the camera from bambam and fixed it bambam got suprised
Lisa:ok jungkook look here pls
Lisa:done she show the pic to bambam
Bambam:wah I never knew u were this smart
Time skip lunch time
Lisa:can i have lunch with u
They were eating lunch in bambam office
Someone came in
???:bambam here is ur schedule for next week
???:oh hi u must be lisa im mark tuan nice to meet u
Lisa:oh hi mark oppa
Mark:ok see ya later bambam
Bambam:see ya......yah lisa ah
Bambam:if tht guy flirts with u tell me ill kill him
Lisa:woah tht protective
Lisa:yah i had many people tht flirt with me back when i was in thailand
Bambam:give me the list of the people by this night they will never see the sun tomorrow
Lisa:hahahahha relax pabo ah
Pls read this
Guys thank u for reading this story and for the updates i mogh update tomorrow or this saturday i know its very long but school is about to start so got to get ready so sorry for the incovience ok bye see you

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