chapter 28

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Ŕose:first on the dvd player dumbo
They started it for lisa
Lisa:ty unnies
*ding dong*
Lisa:ill get it
She saw from the peep hole it was bambam
Lisa:lets do a little prank hehehhe
Lisa went back to the living room
Lisa:unnie help me
She explained the plan
Ŕose:nice plan we will play it well
Jennie sat on the couch backside so her face cannot be seen and wore a boy wig
Ŕose and jisoo were hiding in the kitchen
Bambam rang the door bell again
Lisa:ill get it baby!
Jennie imitating a boy's voice:yes baby hurry up!
Lisa opened the door
Bambam:who is inside
Lisa:ukm no one
Bambam went in and saw the person sitting on the couch he went in front of him and saw it was jennie
Ŕose:it was just a prank
Ŕose and jisoo came out
Jennie:ur girlfriend has a big mind not like u
Bambam:as if but u almost gave me a heart attack
Lisa:will i give u one
Lisa:no right
Jisoo:and ur girlfriend is savage too
Bambam:ik ok see u later
Bambam dragged lisa out of the house
To the car
Lisa:wah whts wrong
Bambam:put ur seat belt
bambam started driving so fast
Lisa:i might die plss
Bambam:relax i wont let u die
He stoped in front of a mall
A man opened the door for lisa and she went out
Bambam also went out
Bambam:here take the keys park the car
Man:yes sir

Lisa:where are we?
Bambam: my favourite place come on lets go
Lisa and bambam went inside holding hands
When he went in he was greeted by so many man who were the security
Lisa:do they know u?
Bambam:u know who is mr x
Lisa:yes the richest person in thailand
I heard he shifted to korea
Bambam *smirked*
Lisa:.....wait dont tell me ur mr x wait no tht canllt be
Bambam:yes i am
Lisa:wait WHT then why do u work in the company
Bambam:too hide my identity....wait wanna see my house
Lisa:u have a house here?
Bambam:yes come on
Bambam through many halls and opened a door
Lisa:wahh this is ur house
She went in
There was a chandelier in the middle of a living room the right side was a hude screen tv with sofas surrounding it on the left side was a kitchen
Lisa:wahhh its preety i mean ofc ur rich not like me hm

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