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Bambam:jagi ah lets go to the mall
Lisa:ok lets gooo
Bambam and lisa reached the mall
Lisa:wah thts so beautiful
*Lisa pointed to a adidas shoe*
Bambam:u want one?
Lisa:no way its to expensive
*Bambam went inside the shop and told the shop keeper he wants to buy these shoes and he bought it*
Lisa:jagi ah thank u
Bambam:there is anything i can do for my princess.
They stoped in front of a restaurant
Bambam:jagi ah lets eat
Jk pov
I was just walking in the mall cause i was bored then i stoped at a restaurant to eat i ordered my food and went to sit on the table I was on my my phone until i hear a familiar voice i looked and saw lisa and bambam having fun
Jk mind:wht the hell wait dont tell me they are dating shit then its hard for me to get my baby girl but i will sure get her *smirk*

Lisa pov

Lisa:bambam lets get going its already late
Bambam:as u wish princess
Lisa:dont call me princess i dont like it
Bambam:then wht should i call u hmmm my wife?
Lisa:ahhh shut up im not ur wife im ur girl
Time skip in front of lisa's house
Bambam:ahh u should move in with me soon
Lisa:yah no way
Lisa:i have to cook so no way
Bambam:there is a maid
Lisa:hmmm ok see ya bye
Lisa went straight to her home
Open the door and went in
So sorry guys this is a short chapter but i will upload soon and happy new year♡

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