chapter 29

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Bambam back hugged lisa
Bambam:but if ur mine then ur more rich
Lisa:yah stop with ur cheesy words
Bambam:yahh....but its so sad i cant live here because of my identity
Lisa:hm thts why u were wearing a mask while come here and tell me to wear a mask i felt so weird
Bambam:ik im sorry baby
Bambam buried his head on lisa's neck and bite it
Lisa:yahh its not the right time
Bambam:i can make it the right time
Lisa released bambam's hug and sat on the sofa
Lisa:wahhh so this is how u feel rich
Bambam: yahhh rich is not enough
Bambam sat beside lisa
Lisa:ik its ur hardwork
Bambam:if ibwas bot rich will u still stay with me?
Lisa:wht do u think?..........u think im tht crazy to leave just because of tht
Lisa put his head on bambam's chest
Lisa:just put tht in ur brain i will not leave u
Bambam: promise
Lisa:i promise
Bambam: can we sleep here tonight?
Lisa:ur wish
Bambam:ok the room is upstairs
Lisa:lets roam around the mall first i never been to expensive mall like this
Bambam:ok princess lets go

Bambam and lisa wore there masks and went out to the mall

Girl :omg THTS MR X!!!!!
Girl:he looks so handsome
Girl:who is tht girl beside him?
Girl:ughhh tht girl must not belong beside him he is mine ughhh
Bambam: just ignore them
Bambam and lisa went to one expensive clothe shop
Bambam:this shop has the best clothes from the hole mall and mabey korea
Lisa:ofc its celine
Shopkeeper 1:hello mr x wht would u like for today?
Bambam:this dress also this one also this one also this one also this one also this one also this one also this one also this one also this one also this one.
Lisa:thts enough
Bambam:ok try it on
Lisa tried the first dress
Lisa:how is it
Bambam:its too short from the knees next one
Lisa: ok
....  . . .......... .....
Lisa:this one
Bambam: tht one is shoulder revealing next one
By the time she tried all the dresses now the last one
Lisa:this one huffgf
Bambam:yes thts good
Lisa:so expect me to wear a hoodie and leggings
Bambam:yes lets go pay for this
They payed for it and went out
Bambam:lets eat something
Bambam brought her to jungsik
Lisa:this restaurant is exepensive bb
Bambam: yahh this is my mall i sometime dont even have to pay for it come on
Lisa:oh ya i forgot
They sat on the table
Bambam:men just sit beside our table and order anything u want ill pay for it u guys did a good job
Men 1&2&3&4 : thank u sir
They sat beside our  next table a bit far
Bambam:so baby wht u want to eat
Lisa:anything ah
They her eyes got stuck infront of one person it was jungkook
Lisa:bambam can u cover me a bit
Lisa:jungkook is there i think he will recognize me
Bambam:wait why is he here?.........he must have gotten bail
Lisa:pls cover me
Bambam sat bit side ways so lisa cannot be seen only his back
Lisa:thank u
Bambam:wht did i say
Lisa:oh kk

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