great chance

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The girls went home
Lisa:wah im to sleepy ill go to bed see ya in the mornimg
Jennie:wah my lord why are u so soft be my pillow for tonight
Ŕose:stop touching my f**king butt
Jisoo:ill put her to bed she is drunk
Lisa:ok see ya in the morning
Lisa freshen up and went to bed

Lisa woke up freshen up and went down stairs
She saw jisoo was cooking breakfadt with jennie and ŕose on her phone

Lisa:ŕose unnie who are u chatting with?
Ŕose:so i didnt tell u guys before somebody in the club ask my number yesterday so i gave it and he is chatting with me now.
Jisoo:wah jennie why are we the only on single.
Lisa:yah u guys will get ur bf in time
Ŕose:besides me and him are not toghether.
Jennie:still hmph
Jisoo:shut up bitches eat ur breakfast now.

The girls ate their breakfast after they just finished their breakfast lisa's phone started ringing

Lisa:oh ummm
Jennie:who is tht
Lisa:no one
Lisa went up to her bedroom

Lisa:hey bambam
Bambam:hey baby u free today
Lisa:ya babe why
Bambam:I wanna go to the mall with you
Lisa:Ooooo ok
Bambam:so u can come
Lisa:ya sure
Bambam:ok ill pick u up at 4 see u love u♡
Lisa:love u too♡
Just them lisa's boss called

Lisa:hi sir
Boss:lisa i need to make a enter video for our new lable blackpink would u mind help
Lisa:yeah sir ill help
Boss:ok do u have 3 friends which is girls.
Lisa:yeah i do
Boss:bring them tomorrow
Lisa:ok boss
The boss hang up

Lisa:ok that was weird

Time skip 12 pm

Lisa:jisoo unnie wht u make for lunch
Jisoo:tteobokki why
Lisa:ok lets eat

Time skip 4
A car horn outside

Ŕose:who is tht
Jennie:ill check
Meanwhile lisa was dancing crazily in front of jisoo washing dishes
Jennie:lisa ah
Lisa:yeah(still doing crazy dance)
Lisa then saw bambam standing nere the kitchen counter
Bambam:u ready to go
Lisa:umm let me get my purse then
Lisa ran up to her room get her purse and went down
Lisa:ok lets go see ya girls
Jenchuchaeng:see ya

Time skip lisa was having fun with bambam

Lisa:the boss called me today to help in making the enterance video label for blackpink.
Lisa:then he told me to bring e friends along for the shoot jennie jisoo and ŕose is ok right.
Bambam:yeah they are fine.

Time skip
Bambam:ok ill see ya tomorrow at work
Lisa:see u
Lisa went out of the car and straight into the house

Jennie:wah our baby is back
Ŕose:how was it
Lisa:ok normal and btw
Lisa:so my boss called today (lisa explained everything wht the boss told her) so can u skip work for a 2 to 3 weeks
Ŕose:yeah i can do tht
Jisoo:yup i can
Jennie:as it is im there so ya
Lisa:thank you!!

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